i like food and i'm always hungry. i like music. i play music and work at a music store. i like laughing and making other people laugh. i have a good sense of humor. i like being online. i like meeting new people. i'm good at my job. i love my family. they will always love me. i will never forget that. i'm a text message freak. i always have my phone on me. my iPhone is the greatest thing ever. i love driving. i have a lead foot. i like going to shows/concerts. i like to sing but i won't let you hear me. i can't dance but i won't let you teach me. i'm good with computers. i like animals. i'm a little person. i don't do drugs. drugs are bad mmmkay? i like to reference cartoons and movies. i like words from the olden days (such as shoppe, swell, golly, etc.) my favorite toys are bugle horns and spring door stoppers. i like surplus stores. my shopping weakness is shoes. ...had enough yet?
'Send me and IM, I'll be your friend'
AIM - petrucchic.