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Manda Sue

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Cool Slideshows!*** If you're here looking at my page, I would like to take an opportunity to thank you. My time is valuable, so I know yours is too. I appreciate each person that stops by to view my work. I have no way of knowing or thanking many of you, but if you'd like to show your support to me personally, please add or message me. While I cannot always take the time to get back to each person directly, I certainly do my best. Thank you for stopping by.
Manda Sue ;)
* * * * * * * * * OMP: 259903 / MalibuBarbieDoll * * * * * * * * * *
*** That being said, if I add you, please do not take that as an opportunity to harass me. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but just because I add you does not mean that I'm interested in you. It probably means that you tried adding my personal profile to your friends list and I redirected you to my professional page because I don't approve anyone that I don't know on my other page. 75% of the time this is why I add people from this profile. I hope no one takes offense, but it not only keeps things orderly, but it helps promote my career as well. I'm sure you can understand that. Again, please don't take my choice of adding you as an invitation to hit on me. Compliments are appreciated and expected, but keep it clean, boys, please. ***
I am just starting to finally break through barriers and walls that have been set up by years and millions of gorgeous women and amazing photographers at this point in my career. I have been out of the industry for a while and was in dire need of updating my portfolio until recently. Over the last month I've had the opportunity to work with two amazing photographers that helped me update my portfolio immensely. We worked collaboratively through TFP/CD and I feel the shots from these shoots actually show the sort of image I want to portray. I am not some supermodel. I am not a 6'3" goddess. I am simply a 5'5" slim, yet shapely woman with girl next door beauty. I am not claiming to be something I'm not. What I'm claiming to be is an average girl that can be so much more. ME. ***
*** I am open to all types of work and TFP is very welcome at this point in my career. I am also willing to travel and invest some money into it, though I have my boundaries because of basic common sense. I'm currently planning two trips by the end of the summer - first to Missouri and then to Tennessee. Shortly there after, I will again be visiting Missouri and then Massachusetts. If you're interested in working with me on one of these trips, please contact me immediately. ***
*** I am open to many different types of modeling, though I will require an escort to most shoots as I deem it nessecary. This is in no way meant to insult anyone, but to ease the comfort level and trust level and therefore get better shots. No offense, but you could be a serial killer and I wouldn't know until I was dead and gone. For that matter, I could too. Escorts are a fabulous thing! Also, as far as boundaries go, I will not do any full nudes, NO EXCEPTIONS. Partial nudity or implied nudity may be considered, but only if it is not an explicit shot and the pay is suitable for me showing my goods. Sorry, no freebies for anybody. Dream on. ***
*** Once the shoot is set up and such, I reserve the right to say no at any time if I am not comfortable with the situation. Please respect my rights as a model and as a person and please do not try to push or guilt me into doing something that I am not comfortable with. Thank you! :) ***
*** A release form will be signed after and only after the shoot is done as long as my criteria (and yours) has been met. I will bring a copy of my own, which can be found in my blog, and if it's suitable for the situation, I'll expect it signed as well, unless it mirrors the photographer's release form. I am not out to cause any problems, run the show, or play hardball, I just want to be given respect as a person to make my own decisions and monitor my career. ***
Cool Slideshows!found this tennaya layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

Modeling, Posing, Styling Hair, Make-up Artistry, Fashion Design, Jewelry Production, Crafts, Music, Singing, Karaoke, Dancing, Drinking Games, Partying, Meeting New People

*** On top of my good looks ;), I've got class, brains, confidence, style, an incredible eye, and vocal ability to match. I love model because it gives me a high better than anything I've ever happened upon and leaves me feeling amazed and fulfilled everytime I look over what is the entity I call ME. Yes, I'm confident, quite possibly concieted. You need to be in this line of work. Without it, you get nowhere. With it, you've got everything in the palm of your hands. The shots I've produced (both behind and in front of the lens and on the sidelines) have given me the confidence to go farther and dream bigger. I love modeling, but I aspire to be a singer. I work hard at what I do and right now I'm working on modeling because those are the doors that have been opened to me at this point in my life. Once the right doors are cracked in the music field, I'm going to push my way through it all and you'll be amazed. Everything I'm learning right now is giving me experience in "the industry", whatever industry it may be. Take what you can get and demand so much more. You'll love where I'm headed... ***

I'd like to meet:

*** Please note: if you are one of my friends who has happened upon this profile accidentally instead of my personal profile, please click on my top friend. That will direct you to my personal page and you can add me there. ***

Great people! Whether you are a friend/fan eager to show your support, a photographer/artist/designer interested in working with me, or just a cute boy, message me!!! I love meeting new people from all different walks of life. Add me!

* muah *
Manda Sue ;)

*** Since all the gory details are put up already, here's what I'm really interested in getting. For my personal pleasure and additions to my portfolio, I'm interested in doing a variety of different styles that will show my ability to manufacture and mold my style to whatever presents itself (which is always the story of my life). Read on to find out what I'm looking for. If you would like to work with me on any of these ideas, please contact me asap. I'd love to hear from you! ***

*** I would like to do a 50's pin-up girl style shoot to add to my collection, if you are interested in this kind of shoot, please contact me ***

*** I am interested in working with a photographer who is skilled in black and whites to add that perspective to my portfolio as well ***

*** I am also interested in doing a shoot that is based on a series of consecutive or seemingly similar shots, rather than just on an image-by-image basis ***

*** I am very interested in working with one or several other models for a shoot, as I have never done this before and desire the experience of the structure involved that comes with this type of shoot ***

*** I am interested in doing a body painting shoot, possibly a cat-like image and maybe some random paint-splotched shots to add a new dimension to my range as well ***

*** I am looking for an artist to collaborate with on a body canvas sort of shoot, I would like to be painted or drawn on on my back, stomach, and/or face, etc. ***

*** I am looking for a photographer to do goth/light fetish work with, possibly a hair and/or make-up artist, if available ***

***** If you would like to work with me on any of these projects, please do not hesitate to email me :) *****


I love all music. There are very few songs and/or artists that I cannot find something good in. My favorite genres to listen to are rap, pop, country, and alternative. My favorite styles to sing are country, alternative, and rock.

My influences are broad, carefully selected, and addictive. I was raised on Metal and Rock. Poison, ACDC, Jackyl, etc. Pat Benatar and 4-Non Blondes are powerful. I love 'em. When I realized that there was more than just this, I grew to like RnB, Pop, and Rap. Boyz II Men and All-4-One were to die for. Ace of Base ruled my life. Tupac, Li'l Kim, and Foxy Brown were my addictions in middle school. In high school I was reintroduced to country and learned to love pop even more. Garth Brooks, Alabama, Tim McGraw, Reba McEntire, the Judds, Shania Twain, Jo Dee Messina, Terri Clark and so many more helped me through a lot. As much as I sometimes hate to admit it, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson really said a lot for me. Somewhere along the line I picked up a love for oldies. Elvis, John Cougar, Juice Newton, and Bette Midler are some of the ones I love. Now I listen to it all. Alternative has really won me over lately. OAR, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Sublime. That and Emo. IDK, it's wierd. Gym Class Heros, Plain White Tees, and the rest of the "I so badly wanna be different while looking the same as the next guy who so badly wants to be different" movement have gotten a place in my heart - even if I like to poke fun at it. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood greatly inspire me, but Julie Roberts is absolutely amazing. She's my idol. The song that follows is a real tear-jerker that I like to belt alone in my apartment. The pictures and compilation are credited at the and of the video.

Julie Roberts - I Can't Get Over You

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I am really picky when it comes to movies. I don't have the patience to sit through a whole one usually. If it's on TV and a commercial come on, I often change the channel and straight-up forget to turn it back at all. I love my DVD collection though. My tip top favorites are The Sweetest Thing, Sorority Boys, Rat Race, Bettlejuice, Nothing But Trouble, Dirty Dancing, and the Wizard of Oz. I love The Sweetest Thing for many reasons. It is my all-time favorite (right now anyway)! First of all, Cameron Diaz is absolutely amazing! This girl is gorgeous, funny, intelligent, and a great actress! Her character in this movie is me. 100% ME. sad, but sooo funny...


First and foremost, I HATE REALITY TV. As with anything, there are exceptions - Real World, Road Rules, Inferno. That's about it though. If you wanna get all technical though I'm a huge fan of Cold Case Files, American Justice, and City Confidential, along with Most Haunted, A Haunting, and things on that order. My all-time favorite show is Crossing Jordan and Jill Hennesse is my absolute favorite actress. Law and Order:SVU comes in as a very close second, as does its lead actress Mariska Hargitay. These two women are totally amazing! My other usual list of television shows is (I know, I know) Days of Our Lives and All My Children. There are a few more, but not really worth mentioning because I barely ever watch TV. If I do it's usually just for background noise anyway.


My Mama!!! Oh, and my baby girl, Rachel Louise. She models as well, so if you're interested, please get in touch with me and I can provide links to pictures.

Marilyn Monroe can be credited with much as far as today's standards in women. She was fast, naive, and volumptuous and the combination of all her tranquilizing components made her a blonde bombshell that never heard the word "no" - the same word women today despise. She was the epitome of feminist power at the hands of male juvenility and arrogance.

Marilyn Monroe

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