Paul Thomson Fans profile picture

Paul Thomson Fans

I speak so illegibly.

About Me

Paul Thomson is the drummer of Franz Ferdinand. He is the only member who is actually from Scotland. Paul's two front teeth are chipped because a hooligan in the streets threw a brick at his face. Paul has two cats, Francine Fishpaw and Cuddles. He also has a hampster named Fearless. His wife is called Esther, and they're adorable baby boy is named Georgie. When Franz Ferdinand were just starting out, Paul sold fat from his bum to a research center in order to make more money for the band. Paul also used to be a nude model for art school.If you have any questions about Paul, or anything else related to Franz Ferdinand feel free to ask. Paul Thomson Fans may have the answer.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4RANDOM FRANZ FERDINAND FACTS:Relationship Status: Frontman Alex Kapranos is currently dating Eleanor Friedberger from The Fiery Furnaces. The relationship is very serious. Alex often spends nights with Eleanor in her apartment in New York. Nick is married to a girl named Manuela. They were married on July 2nd, 2005. Bob's relationship status is unknown, but some say he may be dating their tour manager, Rachael. However, I have also heard that her name is Rebecca. But don't believe that either, because I have once heard that her name is Antonia. (?)Paul has been married to Esther a few years.*Alex has worked before as a chef, a teacher, and a truck driver before hitting the big time.*Nick got his first kiss when he was 17. He lost his virginity summer of 92.*Alex's first kiss was when he was 18. Alex also lost his virginity at 18, on the floor of a restaurant where he worked as a chef.*The artwork on the back of the debut Franz album was created by Vivian Lewis, Alex's ex girlfriend.*The drawing of Eleanor in the video, "Eleanor put your boots back on" was drawn by a 7 year old boy.*Alex once visited a psychic. She told him, "Just after your 34th birthday your gonna have a huge accident but you'll live for a long time."*The B-side "Missing You" was written about Alex's grandfather.*Franz Ferdinand's band name comes from a fellow who was shot by Gavrilo Princip on June 28th, 1914. This fellow's name was Archduke Franz Ferdinand. His assassination caused World War I.*Alex played rugby in high school, and was also great at gymnastics.

My Interests

Paul Thomson.

I'd like to meet:

Every Paul Thomson fan.



Hallam Foe, because FF contributed to the soundtrack.


Everyone should read Alex's book, Sound Bites.


Paul was once asked, If you could be any super hero, who would you be? His response: "Wonder Woman."

My Blog

Alex Kapranos on the radio EASTER SUNDAY

Stream it here: find the stream button on top of the webpage, next to the FM4 logo. 8:00AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME He will be playing some of his favorite songs. ...
Posted by Paul Thomson Fans on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:32:00 PST

F A Q (you might want to read this)

1. How come I didn't get a 'thank you' comment posted on my site for adding you and other people did?- It was either because you're myspace takes too long to load or I was in a bad mood that day. Sorr...
Posted by Paul Thomson Fans on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 06:19:00 PST

FF song on Hallam Foe soundtrack

Franz Ferdinand will have a new track titled "Hallam Foe Dandelion Blow" for the movie "Hallam Foe", directed by David Mackenzie. The movie will be released in the UK on Febuaray 7th. 2007....
Posted by Paul Thomson Fans on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST

Alex Kapranos publishes Sound Bites

Soundbites, a book by Alex Kapranos about his experiences with food and life on the road. Sound Bites is on sale in the UK hardcover edition published by Fig Tree on 2nd November and in Europe, Canada...
Posted by Paul Thomson Fans on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:03:00 PST

Franz Ferdinand Currently on 3 Month Break

The boys of Franz Ferdinand are currently on break. I estimate they will Begin recording the 3rd album in December/January. I'm sure our Paul is enjoying the break with his lovely ...
Posted by Paul Thomson Fans on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 05:27:00 PST