rumbaugh <G.I.A.> profile picture

rumbaugh <G.I.A.>

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

endless pursuit of advancement and education.
the "Reveal" segment on Extreme Makeover always chokes me up...

..."Mind over matter; If you dont mind, it doesn't matter" - dad
aim = OrumbaughO" This is our reality, our humanness: the thousand million stimulants of the moment, the indiscriminate mass of motion that the mind is constantly engaging, disengaging, abandoning, retrieving. " Bill Buford - Among The Thugs
Gold is for the mistress, silver for the maid, Copper for the craftsman, cunning at his trade. Good! Said the baron, while sitting in his hall, But Iron, Cold Iron, is master of them all. - Rudyard Kipling

"You are free in our time to say that God does not exist. You are free to say that he exists and is evil. You are free to say, like poor old Renault, that God would like to exist if he could. You may talk of God, as if he is a mystification or a metaphor. You may boil him down with gallons of long words or boil him down to the rags of metaphysics. And it is not merely that nobody punishes you - but nobody protests.But, if you speak of God as a thing like a tiger, as a reason for changing one's conduct, then the modern world will stop you somehow if it can. We are long past talking about whether an unbeliever should be punished for being irreverent - it is now thought to be irreverent to be a believer." - G.K. Chesterton

My Interests

traveling, people, coffee, guns/knives, martial arts, Christianity, photography, crossword puzzles, sweet tat's brah, day im gonna be fluent in French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, and Latin...I will also be able to play the violin, and goals, life goals...

Rummy got an el jay!


I'd like to meet:

smart people who can inspire me. oh, and someone who can teach me how to salsa, merengue, flamenco, swing or ball room dance.



it'll probably be different tomorrow.


amelie, french kiss, pappillion, the aristocats, the count of monte cristo, the passion of the Christ, american tale, shawshank redemption, good will hunting, happenstance, you've got mail, forrest gump, GOTH, alladin, escape from alcatraz, chicago, blue lagoon, cherry 2000, legends of the fall, L'Auberge Espagnol, what women want, fried green tomatoes, The Name of the Rose, Maverick, Troy, the notebook, The Brotherhood of the Wolf, Walk the Line, the jacket....


W.S.O.P, COPs, glen beck, the o'reilly factor, macgyver, Good Eats, project runway...


The Ragamuffin Gospel, Bible, Richard marcinko books, anything about vietnam, Animal Farm, The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, Crime and Punishment, God's Secret Agent, The Tripod Chronicles, The Life of Pi, Left Behind series, The Dream Giver, Flowers for Algernon, Amongst The Thugs, the jungle, the aeneid, the illiad, ...


Jesus, my mama, Gurlie, Bas Rutten, Ravi Zacharias.

My Blog


Brian RumbaughEnglish 104April 9th 2007Nukes N' KooksI think human life is threatened as never before in the history of this planet. Not just by one peril, but by many perils that are all working toge...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:19:00 PST


Brian RumbaughJoel BaileyEnglish 1042/18/07Three Parts Meteor, Two Parts Space DustTwo prevailing schools of thought, Creationism and The Big Bang Theory, attempt to offer explanations as to not only ...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

cause and effect

Brian Rumbaugh English 1043/3/07Brace yourself, this is gonna hurt.I've always been fascinated with gymnastics since I had the opportunity to watch the Olympics on TV as a child. I distinctly remembe...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST


"I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots. But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck. Eighty-five times he's pushed his di...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:55:00 PST

Happy Resurrection

I found this story in a book called A Gentle Thunder by Max Lucado: "...In between the composition of the two paragraphs above, I received a call from a friend named Kenny. He and his family had just ...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:18:00 PST

i'm feeling testy.

please be advised. i will not be a sounding board for your political or personal agendas. I recently got a friend request to join some kind of neo-hippy, anti-establishment (read: anti-eve...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:59:00 PST


He raced the the edge of a cliff, glanced back and saw the growling tiger about to spring. The monk spotted a rope dangling over the edge of the cliff. He grabbed it and began shinning down the side t...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 11:45:00 PST

Reasons why your dumb:

1. im tired of your X's2. im tired of your haircuts3. if you hate people so much, then why are you on a social website?4. your crew can eat me5. your state/town/city(edit:area code) is no better ...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

God! i rule so hard!

i finially broke 100 friends! first off i would like to thank God for granting me with a personality that is compatable with at least 100 people. without him, i shudder to think that maybe my personal...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The right nipple belonging to a local man has recently been spotted. The right nipple of local man, 22 year old Brian Rumbaugh, has been spotted on a local website who'se aim is to "connect" friends a...
Posted by rumbaugh <G.I.A.> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST