Duchess profile picture


My Nana is here visiting all the way from Ireland and I am getting SPOILED, SPOILED, SPOILED!!

About Me

My name is Duchess, I am a seven year old Fawn Boxer and my favorite thing to do is go play at the dog park. THAT'S ME AT THE PARK; I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY GOTTA FIGHT OVER ME, I CAN BE FRIENDS TO BOTH OF THEM!
I am a real girlie type dog and easily do the boxer C with excitement to get your attention. I am also a lick a holic but I think my Mom is a kiss a holic so it works out okay.
I love to go for car rides with my Mommy I don't care where we are going just so long as I get to go too.
I love to attack water that is coming out of the hose or the sprinklers; I mean how can you help but bite it right?

I got the name Duchess because when I first got home at 12 weeks I guess I just took over the house, the couch and the bed, just like royalty would.
I'm not an inside or an outside dog, I am a come and go as I please dog and the best present I ever got was my very own doggie door, I LOVE IT!! ~ Thanks Brian

My Interests

These are a couple of my Buddies, Rocco the Pug and Rambo the Boston Terrier
They come down and we hang out at the park.
THERE IS A PROBLEM THOUGH As you can see their Mom sometimes dresses them funny!
I mean come on, they need to fight the fashion industry and tell their Mom that they are BOYS! Hopefully they won't wear these outfits to the park, I would be so embarrased.

This is Buster & Mac, they stay at my house when their parents go out of town and we have loads of fun together, Mac is still a big ole puppy who just says "PLAY PLAY PLAY' all the time, Buster is more mello, if he was a little bigger I think he could be my boyfriend, but alas we just weren't meant to be together like that.
This is another one of my friends, his name is Chubby, he's still a puppy but he's got it bad for me, WHO CAN BLAME HIM?

I'd like to meet:

More boxers or pugs or anyone who really loves dogs. Hooch from 'Turner & Hooch' what a hunk of fur!

I'm interesting in meeting any dogs out there that might have Addisons Disease so my Mom can share the information that she has learned. I had leg surgery May 2006; I felt just horrible afterwards & even though my Mom kept telling the vet there was something wrong they kept telling her she was freaking out over nothing but I kept sending her messages & when my kidneys began to fail they finally believed her and found out I have Addisons, it really sucked because I almost died; but the new vet saved my life. Anyway basically I don't make my own hormones anymore; I have to get a shot and lab work once a month & a little bit of prednisone depending on my mood every day, but now that they have it figured out I feel terrific and I am back to my old self. Plus Mommy usually wraps the pill in something yummy!

Name? Duchess
Nicknames? Bubooshka, Doodle girl, C-Cup, Duchie Doo
Birthdate? May 1st 2000
How did your "people" find you? My Mom bought me as a pressie for my Grandpa but couldnt part with me he he
How was your name chosen? I took over the house & couch when I got there, even giving my new brother who was there 1st the boot
Who do you live with? My Mommy
Favorite toy? Any thing with a SQUEEKER in it
Are your ears cropped? No way, ouch my Mom wouldn't do that to me
Is your tail cropped? Yes, it's a cute little nub
Fawn or brindle? Fawn with spots on my chest
Birth parents names? Shirley
Siblings names? Power the pug & Tammy the cat, but they are at rainbow bridge now so I'm an only child
Boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I like to flirt though at the park to make other dogs chase me, especially other boxers
Kids? Nope
Best friend? My Mommy, but Mac & Buster are great doggie friends
Favorite place to walk? The P.A.R.K. Mommy thinks I don't know what she is saying when she spells it he he
Favorite day trip? The dog beach in Santa Cruz - I love to play chasing on the beach & drink the sea water
How much do you weigh? 65lbs - Prednisone makes me really hungry these days
Where do you sleep? On the bed right beside my Mommy but I also have my very own WATERBED
Potty trained? Yep, I love my doggie door
Favorite game to play? I love it when my Mommy chases after me, she laughs so much when I do my funny run
Do you do any tricks? On command I sit, lay down, stay, howl, speak and give loads of kisses
Do you wear clothes/jewelry? My Mommy puts stuff on me sometimes but I don't like it, I won't even move when she puts it on me
Are you lazy? When I am at home, but ask me to go for a ride, or to the park and I am ready to go
Do you jump on people alot? Only when my Mommy first comes home from work, cause I missed her sooo much
Can you do the "Boxer C"? Yep, I get so excited I can almost do a Boxer O


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Turner & Hooch, Lassie reruns; Lady and the tramp; Milo & Otis


Animal Planet


Books taste great!


The vets at the Emergency center in Dublin, CA & the generous co-workers at my Mom's job STCH who helped save my life.

My Blog

Forget Cancer & Forget Cheesecake too!! The POWER OF PRAYER&.

First of all I just have to once again say thank you so much to all the people on here who have sent continuous warm wishes & thoughts to me & my Mommy, you truly have no idea how comforting ...
Posted by Duchess on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:13:00 PST

Ive got bone Cancer & loads of Cheesecake in my future

First of all I would like to thank all my myspace friends for showing such love and support to me and my Mommy.  You just don't know how much it has meant to us.   Well, I went back to th...
Posted by Duchess on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:25:00 PST

The big C and I guess its not Cheesecake

The big 'C' & I guess it's not Cheesecake Hi Everyone, About a week and a half ago my Mom took me to the vet, see my front right paw was hurting and I was limping, she thought I over did it at the...
Posted by Duchess on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:23:00 PST

My Grand Canyon Trip, Summer 2007

About two weeks ago I got to go to the Grand Canyon with my Mom and Brian and his Daughter Cindy plus Brian's parents, my adopted grandparents, anyway here are a few photos from my trip.   This i...
Posted by Duchess on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:36:00 PST

I got into a fight with a Pittbull at the dog park!!

I got into a fight at the doggie park with a pitt bull!!! I'm so glad Mom was there with her camera to get it all on film Please take a look at the video she made and leave me a comment but please b...
Posted by Duchess on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:05:00 PST

I got tagged!!

Here are the rules: You have been selected (or tagged if you will). Now, you have to tell 5 odd or not so odd facts about yourself, and select 5 of your friends to do the same. Once you post your 5 fa...
Posted by Duchess on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:33:00 PST