Playing with my toys, playing with my friends, giving people thorough lickings. keeping an eye on my little sister, Lorelai, making sure she doesn't get hurt. Laying in bed with Nana, and jumping up in mommy's lap for a little extra attention.
.. ..
Name? Eisenhower
Nicknames? Ike, Wittle Boy, Senior Squishy Lips, Punkin
Birthdate? April 3, 2004
How did your "people" find you? My mommy's ex bestfriend was dating a guy that had a sister whoes boxer just gave birth..and mommy was about to do something extremely hard and give up her son, so she needed me to fill that hole, I'm trying the best I can, but I know she still misses him!
How was your name chosen? I was the runt of the litter, so my mommy and Nana, decided I needed a big strong name, so they chose My Great Grandpa's favorite General Eisenhower. Little did they know that I would grow up to fit my name.
Who do you live with? My Mommy, My Nana, and my little human sister Lorelai
Favorite toy? My Rope that my best buddy in the whole world, susan and Fox, Got me.*SMILES*
Are your ears cropped? Nope..Mommy wouldn't do that, she is going to be a Vet Tech, and it's proven that about 90 % of boxers with their ears cropped go deaf at some point.
Is your tail cropped? Wait I have a tail..Huh?!? All I see is a Nub!
Fawn or brindle? Fawn
Birth parents names? My Mother's name is Joy, and my father's name is Pride
Siblings names? I have a sister, Velvet that doesn't live with me and I don't see anymore :-(, Kittie my older sister, she's a cat, but she died, and now Lorelai my human sister
Boyfriend/girlfriend? I'm single ladies
Kids? I can't have kids I've been neutard..(See about me section)
Best friend? I have several bestfriends.
Favorite place to walk? to the park, so many kids there, and I love human kids, they're the best..
Favorite day trip? Car rides to anywhere
How much do you weigh? 85 pounds
Where do you sleep? on the couch or in my Nana's bed, mommy closes the door..:-P
Potty trained? trained? Yes I am..
Favorite game to play? Tug-O-War
Do you do any tricks? I can sit, I can wait for my favorite toy or cookie(Which isn't easy for our breeds) I lay down, and several other things..
Do you wear clothes/jewelry? Just my Chain collar
Are you lazy? Yup
Do you jump on people alot? I try not to but I just get so excited I can't help myself..
Can you do the "Boxer C"? the what?!?
I love meeting new people, but I am very protective of my family, so tread lightly. If they say you're ok then you're my bestfriend for life!
A Survey for Pets!
What type of pet are you? Boxer
What is your name? Eisenhower
What other nicknames do you have? Ike, Wittle Boy, Punkin, Senior Squishy Lips
What is your favorite treat? Human food
What would your owner describe you as? A toddler with Fur, fun loving and silly
What is the funniest thing you have done? The time I got into 200 cotton balls and spread them all over the house, then when mommy came home I had one stuck to my lip, I tried to play it off like it wasn't me it was the cat but she knew better..amazingly enough she laughed and took pictures.
What is the bravest thing you have done? my mommy took me for a walk with kira(Mommy and her arn't friends anymore) and her boxer(My biological sister) and we passed by a house with two mean dogs and owners. They sent the dogs after us, I stepped in front of mommy and the gang and was ready to protect them. Mommy finally got the owners of the dogs to call them back.
Yes or No
Are you neutered? Yes, Unfortunatly (Read my about me for more info why)
Are you a social animal? Oh yes I love everybody..but I have to meet you first
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? Used to, not so much anymore
Are you friendly? Yup
Are you overweight? Nope
Do you like warm milk? not really
Do you eat cheese? Yup
Do you eat bugs? Yup
Do you live with other animals? Used to live with a cat, but mommy got pregnant and had a daughter with Asthma so the Cat went away
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? depends on the day
Do you like to exercise? Yup..
Do you like car rides? Oh yeah I LOVE car rides, just not to the Vet
Do you get into stuff? Sometimes when I'm bored
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? I just have a mommy, and Yup I sure do she's my whole world besides my new Sister
Do you like to swim? NOPE, Love water just don't like to just play with hose or sprinkler
Do you chase laser pen dots? Yup..sure do..I love those things
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? With all my heart, when she leaves I plaster myself to the door till she comes home. then I jump up on her and kiss her all over
Anything that keeps my interest. Useally what mommy listens too. Metal, and Rock!
Homward Bound(2), 101 Dalmations (2), See Spot Run, Pretty much anything with other dogs in it.
Teen Titans, Becker, Batman, Superman, X-Men, Krypto, Justice League, Pretty much anything that comes on the Cartoon Network, and Animal Planet.
I don't know how to read!
My mommy for taking such good care of me, and spoiling me rotten. My Nana for letting me sleep with her in her bed at night and hog the covers. My Friends for playing with me and loving me!