We'll bet you five bucks we're that awesome! -In May 2004 Rachel Doyle and Ivy Weinglass sat down in Washington Square Park and discussed starting a lifestyle/culture magazine. In January 2005 their grand plans began to take shape when Rachel and Ivy got drunk at a moustache theme party and settled upon the name 'GENIUS.' Our friends burned us copies of Photoshop and InDesign, which got the ball rolling. We then proceeded to procure our resident sexy intern, Landon. Shortly afterwards, GENIUS mag teamed up with several spectacular writers, uber-talented painters Ian Jarvis and Brian Gilbert, graphic design superhero Jesse Thomas, and designer-developer Yin Huang. By February 2005, GENIUS mag had conducted an interview with Bloc Party that was far more interesting and colorful than that seen in other music media. During the month of April, GENIUS sat down and got the dirt on sleazy rockers Louis XIV. GENIUS started off 2006 with a bang, conducting late night interviews with experimental post-punkers Other Passengers and discussing cats with orchestral electro-pop duo Psapp. We're expecting to take over the world (starting with Manhattan & Brooklyn) by ____ 2006. Aren't you excited?
GENIUS Editorial Preview
GENIUS Artwork Preview
GENIUS MP3 Blog Preview