Alien VS Predator
Barthes- Camera Lucida maupassant - bel-ami ramayana Bhagavad Gita Homer-Odyssey Plato-Symposium Plato-The Republic Plato-Apology Valmiki-Ramayana Seneca-Letters from a Stoic Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Boccaccio-Decameron Leonardo da Vinci-His Literary Works Music by J.S. Bach Music by Beethoven Mary Shelley-Frankenstein Baudelaire-“On the Heroism of Modern Life†Marx-Communist Mannifesto Darwin-The Origin of Species Maupassant-Bel-Ami Huysmans-Against the Grain Works by Picasso and Braque Freud-The Future of Illusion Freud-Moses and Monotheism Greenberg-“Avant Garde and Kitsch†Kris and Curz-Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist: A Historical Experiment Butler-“Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of ‘Postmodernism’†Bloom-The Closing of the American Mind Roger Shattuck-“From Aestheticism to Facism†Root-Cannibal Culture McGrane-Beyond Anthropology