C.O.G. Graphix profile picture

C.O.G. Graphix

Riot Response

About Me

Click on the URLs above to visit our deviantArt.com pages.

My Interests

NADA(my wife)
my siblings at heart Andy and Ains/Ros, art, graphic design, photography, and all sorts of entertainment!

By clicking the banner below

I'd like to meet:


If you would like to see some examples of our work in the categories (Artworks, CD Designs, Logos & T-shirts) then please scroll down the box below.


object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="170" height="380" id="tuner" align="middle" ..


Note: The Model on the header and on the C.O.G. Banner is called "Bridget Sardo". The original stock picture was photographed by "Markus Ranum" and has been used by me for these graphics with his permission.


And another thing we want to get off our hearts. You may have recognized the globe in the cogwheel logo, haven't you? Forget for a moment the stylized presentation on this page and see please also what is beyond this. The globe stands for the worldly engagement we share not only with our clients, also to the people around us. Friends and followers of our work have recognized the artworks we did against Domestic Violence, this was just one little level on participation in a different field. We are looking for companies we can really work with together against the permanent dark veil shrouding the ray of sun for some people. I also would like to use this certain section to put up some banners from organizations which I think deserve to be mentioned and credited to their hard work to help and bring another spark of hope into the eyes of those who completely forgot that this may exist. We are working on things..... this is just the beginning :)
Unicef - United Nations Children's Fund

Sofort die Petition unterschreiben!

My Blog

Momentane Projekte / Current Projects

Wieder mal ein kleines UPDATE was demnächst in die Läden kommt und Artworks von C.O.G. Graphix dekoriert ;) KAISA - KEINE WÄRME EP KAISA & BASSTARD - 666 VOLLKONTAKT - FIGHTCLUB MIXTAPE VOL.1 BA...
Posted by C.O.G. Graphix on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 03:18:00 PST

Kaisa - Dorn im Auge (OUT NOW)

KAISA  DORN IM AUGE Mit Skinny Al, Godsilla, Blokkmonsta & Dr. Jekyll, Joachim Deutschland, Vollkontakt, King ZaZa, Greckhoe, u.a. Die ersten 150 Käufer bei Distributionz kriegen ein KAISA A1 ...
Posted by C.O.G. Graphix on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:02:00 PST