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About Me

Im from Troy,ny.Im a dedicated mom with 2 kids my son is 18,my daughter is 4.I'm in the business of caring.I Like Sincere and Honest People .

My Interests


Raising my 2 precious gifts ,my son and daughter. Improving my life for the better,trying to keep all things positive. ..

I'd like to meet:

The first Person ID like to meet is Jesus Christ himself,but untill then I'd like to make some Friends,,. You must keep it real at all times.I like positive,caring,and God fearing people in my life.Must have the ability to think of others instead of yourself all the time.Remember this that all things are possible with God in your life.May he bless you all, as he has blessed me time and time again.I give thanks to him,and the utmost respect.Thank You Jesus,Amen

Jaliek Rainwalker Is Missing From Greenwich,NY.Jaliek is biracial, 12 years old ,5"6 ,150 pounds.He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a yellow fleece pullover shirt and black tennis shoes.Jaliek sufferes from emotional problems ,spent alot of times in foser homes before he was adopted.But family could no longer care for him wanted to reverse the adoption. Someone close to the family said he was taken away from his homeless mother at 4 days old,and By the time he was 7 he was in 7 foster homes.his adopted father said Jaliek left a note saying he didnt wanna be a burden on his family anymore.As a person myself who grew up in the foster care system I know thAT it can cause emotional problems ,going from home to home trying to find a sense of belonging Thank God I came out of it okay.I only hope Jaliek will be found safe.Please send out your Prayers.


I enjoy smooth Jazz,old school r&B,and Gospel Music





There's only one Good Book out there,THE HOLY BIBLE
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Posted by Valerie on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:36:00 PST