:HEGIOUS: O :THEO: profile picture


Will of The Gods... Will of the People...The Phoenix will rise from the ashes

About Me

I love to study all things...Music,history,art, geopolitics,wine,government,psychology,philosophy,theosophy, but Esoteric knowledge is the fruit of all life...
THE noxious god, the noxious spirit of the neck, the neck-spirit of the desert, the neck-spirit of the mountains, the neck-spirit of the sea, the neck-spirit of the morass, the noxious spirit of the city, this noxious wind which seizes the body and the health of the body.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!Tablet VHe who makes an image which injures the man, an evil face, an evil eye, an evil mouth, an evil tongue, evil lips, an evil poison.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!Tablet VIThe cruel spirit, the strong spirit of the head, the head-spirit that departs not, the head-spirit that goes not forth, the head-spirit that will not go, the noxious head spirit.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!Tablet VIIIMay Nin-cigal, the wife of Nin-a’su, turn her face toward an-other place; may the noxious spirit go forth and seize another. May the propitious spirit and the propitious genii settle upon his body.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!Tablet IXMay Nebs, the great steward, the recliner supreme among the gods, like the god who has begotten him, seize upon his head; against his life may he not break forth.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!Tablet XOn the sick man by the sacrifice of mercy may perfect health shine like bronze; may the Sun-god give this man life; may Merodach, the eldest son of the deep, give him strength, prosperity and health.Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com

I Love my Sisters!!!

My Interests



LIBER PATRIS SAPIENTIAE.................................................. ............................................................ ..........Also from the beds head there must rise a highe Spoute, And another almost downe to the bottome that the Spirit go not out; For thou must save the flyers that swim into the upper place, For they may hereafter ingender a body as well as the other in space....................................................... ............................................................ .................And take hede to the words of the Fader of Wysdom, How he techeth hys Sonne how he schould done; To kepe hys precepts of bodely governance And wyth hys Conyng he will gretly advance..................................................... ............................................................ ...........................................Therefore kepe close of thy Tongue and of thy Hand, From the Officers and Governours of the Land; And from other men that they of thy Craft nothing know, For in wytnes thereof they wyll thee hang and draw........................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................Therefor make no Man of thy Councell rude nor rustie, But him that thow knowest both true and trustie; In ryding and going sleeping and waking, Both in word and deede and hys disposing................................................... ............................................................ ...............................................May the High Spirits on vail be with you!!!...................................................... ............................................................ ......................C.T.G. & The Scarlet Counil...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................................Music, Girls, Music, kids,family, cars,drink's, fun people, parties..................................................... ............................................................ .........Ave Maria. Hail beautiful lamp of heaven, shining light of the world! Here art thou united with the moon, here is made the band of Mars and the conjunction of Mercury. From these three is born through through the magistery of the art, in the river bed, the strong giant whom a thousand times a thousand seek, when these three shall have dissolved, not into rain water... but into mercurial water, into this our blessed gum which dissolves of itself and is named the Sperm of the Philosophers. Now he makes haste to bind and betroth himself to the virgin bride, and to get her with child in the bath over a moderate fire. But the Virgin will not become pregnant at once unless she be kissed in repeated embraces. Then she conceives in her body, and thus is begotten the child of good omen, in accordance with the order of nature. Then will appear in the bottom of the vessel the mighty Ethiopian, burned, calcined, discoloured, altogether dead and lifeless. He asks to be buried, to be sprinkled with his own moisture and slowly calcined till he shall arise in glowing form from the fierce fire... Behold a wondrous restoration and renewal of the Ethiopian! Because of the bath of rebirth he takes a new name, which the philosophers call the natural sulphur and their son, this being the stone of the philosophers. And behold it is one thing, one root, one essence with nothing extraneous added and from which much that was superfluous is taken away by the magistery of the art... It is the treasure of treasures, the supreme philosophical potion, the divine secret of the ancients. Blessed is he that finds such thing. One that has seen this thing writes and speaks openly, and I know that his testimony is true. Praise be to Gods and children of and High Spirits on Vail o'r thee for evermore.

I'd like to meet:

Any and everyone.

Charles A. Lindbergh

Norman Thomas


My beautiful Friend Alicia


Classical Music Devil Rock Deep Purple Janes Addiction John Lee Hooker Joni Mitchell Nico Depeche mode David Bowie Gene Loves Jezebel Cab Calloway Fred Astaire Bjork PJ Harvey Richard Ashcroft Radiohead Trick Daddy JT Money Black Rob



The Woman next Door, Vanilla Sky, Wild at Heart, Blue Velvet, Beyond The Vally Of The Dolls. Woodstock (all those stoner hippies naked and shit) I love it haha.

Dig my 70's Santanna Fro!


Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Knots Landing, Diff'rnt Strokes,The Travel Channel


Spring torents, by Ivan Turgeneve, anything of Tolstoy's, 20 German Poets, Godfried Benn.


Count Cagliostro

John Kenneth Galbraith

Senator: Robert Bryd

Senator: Joseph Biden

You must make Water of the Earth, and Earth of the Air, and Air of the Fire, and Fire of the Earth. The Black Sea. The Black Luna. The Black Sol.

My Blog


Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) To a Lady Very Well Known to the Whole Town                   Find it!......  Read ...
Posted by :HEGIOUS: O :THEO: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sleeping and Dreaming...

Sleeping and Dreaming are like free drugs... so everybody lights out!         X X X              ...
Posted by :HEGIOUS: O :THEO: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST