Dawn profile picture


live simply so that others may simply live

About Me

about me eh..hmmm..I like meeting random interesting ppl, the beach, traveling the world, smiling at strangers, music, photography, sleeping in late, rockin' out to live music, the colour brown, having those moments with ppl that you know your life has instantly changed, being confused, swearing like a trucker, the way a little kids smile can melt your heart, trees,the ocean, feeling totally at peace with what you're doing, being happy, remembering things the next day and laughing cuz you know it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, watching the sun rise over ayers rock and watching the sun set in Africa and Ko Chang, chillin', hearing an amazing song for the first time, green, camping, canoe runs, crazy road trips to the middle of nowhere, one word:Tofino...and the list goes on..and on...and on... what I don't like: first impressions..cuz they're never right, people who show up at my door trying to get me into their religion..I don't even follow my own..what makes you think I'm gonna follow yours? telemarketers..gimme your home phone number and I'll call you while you're trying to make super, then we can talk about it! driving in Korea..4 way flashers are for an emergency not to cut me off or tell me that you're givin'er through a red light 10 seconds after it's turned green for me! people who don't give people a chance, small minded ppl, eating yogurt with a fork..

My Interests

traveling, attempting to play the guitar, photography, live music, road trips, reading an amazing book, volleyball


too too many to name..


all time fave..dazed and confused


I don't have tv..

My Blog

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Go to WWW. StalkerTrack .COM for a MySpace Tracker to see who looks at your profile. ...
Posted by Dawn on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 06:30:00 PST

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Posted by Dawn on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 02:58:00 PST

View Who Views Your Profile www. StalkerTrack .com MySpace Profile Tracker

Posted by Dawn on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 01:54:00 PST