The challenges that confront Philadelphia are not puzzles to be solved, but choices among competing priorities. Good ideas and sound solutions to our problems exist, but they require that we embrace policies that benefit the city as a whole instead of policies that favor only the connected. In many cases, extensive study and research provide us with compelling blueprints for change. But, without civic education and public mobilization, too many worthy policies remain unimplemented.
Philadelphia Forward is singularly situated to promote a revolution of rising expectations and advocate for policies to move Philadelphia forward. The organization’s board and staff offer both credible views on policy matters and important connections that reach across Philadelphia to establish a broad base for promoting change.
Philadelphia Forward will promote the policies that can move Philadelphia forward. We must remove the barrier to growth represented by high and unfair taxes. If we reform our tax structure, we will place pressure on our elected officials to run government more efficiently and effectively, so we must also restore public confidence that governmental decisions are made to benefit the general interest. If we improve governmental integrity, we will be able to have an honest debate about budgetary priorities and the results that public spending creates.
People who know that Philadelphia is not the city it SHOULD be.
Philadelphia is a great city for the reason all cities are great. We are certainly blessed with a favorable location and endowed with rich history and heritage, but our people are our greatest strength. The soul of Philadelphia comes from the energy of a diverse array of hard working people who take pride in their city and care deeply about their city’s future. Sadly, Philadelphia will never realize the full promise of its greatness if the people who lead continue to embrace policies that hold the city back.
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Streets of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Freedom, Motown Philly
The Sixth Sense, 12 Monkeys, Philadelphia, Birdy, Witness, Trading Places, Blowout, Rocky
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Cold Case, Hack, Philly, Amen, American Bandstand
Philadelphia: A New Urban Direction, Philadelphia: A 300-Year History