here and beyond philosophies, feelings, aura ... thousands of things...
Ashes of entity floating
over the forest
on light evening breeze
this is the end
grey delicate dust
over the sprucesskinned from dreamin'
naked to the innershatred changes
your eyes!
something is put out
something ssstart to burn the grey...cold rain
...ash tangled with a mud...
the last monument of existence
and hatred insane
still wanders among the trees...
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misanthropic /unholy / depressive / satanic / antichristian / mood stuff.
songs that are anthems for my soul: CARPATHIAN FOREST - The Northern Hemisphere; STRID - Det hviskes blant sorte vinder; MYSTICUM - The crypt of fear; KATHARSIS - VvorldvvithoutEnd.
my fav. SVARTSYN, LIK/Lönndom, Blutvial, Code, VED BUENS ENDE, A WASTE OF TALENT, DARKTHRONE, KATHARSIS, TRIST, SHINING, Burzum, Carpathian Forest, Taake, Hatepulse, Hypothermia, Szron, Life Neglected, Krohm, Xasthur, Black Funeral, Forgotten Tomb, Bethlehem, In the woods, NAERVAER, Craft, Dissection, Furze, Draugar, Lifelover, Woods of Infinity, MonumentuM, Cultus Sanguine, Orcustus, MYSTICUM, Secht, Taake, STRID, Vaineliis, Xasthur, Heirdrain, Happy Days, Nostalgie, Armaggedon, Mutiilation, Entombed, Abscess, Audiopain...
classical music, depressive rock, OST, ambient, folk, FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM, THE CURE... ... and thousand more
biography movies... weird ones...all David Lynch movies, Donnie Darko, The First snow, Memento, 28 days later/28 weeks later, Fightclub, horrors with ghosts like Fragile,6th sense,the Others...(i'm bored with gore movies, hate them), Barfly, the last outlaw, Noi Albinoi, Svidd Neger, war movies, The Lord of the Rings, Starwars, 21 gramms, Bullet, The Crow, skazany na bluesa, The house of the flying daggers, Zatoichi, Oldboy ... many more...
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lots of... love biographies (Van Gogh, Michalangelo, Nietzsche, The Cure... many more)
my friends who dare to stay with me during storms of negativity!
MURA HACHIGU - MY LEFT ARM debut. Coverartwork by Rh-: