" Would U please keep that look upon me
May U have everything U deserve for being a good person
Since all U've ever wanted is me fulfilling my destiny
Lovin U back has never known a better reason
Luv U, Mom&Dad "
Was a quick-to-walk baby, a silent kid and a wise teen.
Just tryin to be a grown-up man.
Nothing can brag
Nothing can flaunt
Better than a life
Of remaining strong
ABOUT MUSIC---------------------------------
Yann, 20 yo, singer, songwriter, producer.
I started writing at 16, moved to Paris at 19 where i had the
chance to work with wonderful people and learn a lot about myself.
When my Father died, I have had the need of something else,
this why I'm now finishing my bachelor degree at
Aarhus Business School, Denmark.
The tracks are mainly sampling, waiting for my studio.
Nevertheless, 'Strenuous Lovin' and 'Find Her' are my entiere babies.
PARLONS MUSIQUE---------------------------------
Yann, 20 ans, Auteur Compositeur Interprete.
J'ai commence a ecrire a 16ans, a 19 j'ai bouge sur Paris
ou j'ai eu la chance de travailler avec des gens formidables
et d'apprendre beaucoup sur moi-meme.
A la mort de mon Pere, j'ai eu besoin de quelque chose d'autre,
c'est pourquoi je finis actuellement ma licence
a l'Aarhus Business School, Danemark.
Les titres sont principalement du sampling, en attendant mon studio.
Cependant, 'Strenuous Lovin' et 'Find Her' sont entierement mes babies.
Bonne ecoute.
LES ETUDES---------------------------------
Baccalaureat Gestion Mention AB
DEUG Langues Etrangeres Appliquees-Angl Alld option Marketing
Licence en echange ERASMUS a Aarhus School of Business, Danemark
(1000 excuses, les accents ne passent plus sur ma page)
Break Dance, Salsa
School books (kidding)
Travelling & Getting to know nu peeps, nu cultures...
LES LOISIRS---------------------------------
Les Amis
La Photo
Le Break Dance, La Salsa
Le Piano
Les jolies filles (no kidding)
Voyager & Apprendre a connaitre
de nouvelles personnes, cultures...
MY FAVORITE LINKS---------------------------------
Maxwell - Fortunate
envoyé par welcomeback
Keyshia_Cole_-I should.. par trapux
Micheal Jackson - Dirty Diana
envoyé par moumen
Goapele - First Love (Live)
envoyé par keyzz