METALLOID profile picture


Welcome to a New Era of Heavy Metal!!!

About Me

METALLOID is a heavy metal band formed in 2007 with a vision as unique as its music. With a sole intention to inspire a world that is in terror and chaos, we write songs to bring a positive outlook towards life in this despairing yet challenging age we live in. Our music is a powerful mix of Power, Progressive and Thrash genres of Metal predominantly. We aspire to be a band that will be remembered forever for giving our best like our Heroes. Look out for us; we’re gonna hunt you down soon.
...While we talk one language “METAL”
P.S. METALLOID's Music will be put up soon!
The band will be going to Surrey (England) to record our First EP at the Thin Ice Studios (DragonForce, Powerquest, Threshold and Soliloquy) in July and August. The band will then have our music out roughly in September once the production has finished.
METALLOID thank all their Friends and Fans and A Quick Update from the Band!!!
May 19, 2008

Hi there boys and girls!!!
METALLOID would like to thank every one of you who had come down last Saturday to First Floor and supported the band at BLOODSTOCK’S Metal To The Masses Final.
METALLOID truly appreciates your invaluable and evergreen support!
The band are very pleased to let you all know that we had a fantastic gig last Saturday at BLOODSTOCK’S Metal To The Masses Final!
It was all about having fun and it was all about the energy as always!
It was all about Heavy Metal and it was all about METALLOID’S Loyal Friends and Fans out there who believe in the band!

METALLOID’S Performance has been filmed by the BLOODSTOCK Organisation and will be displayed on the BLOODSTOCK Website soon. If you would like METALLOID to play the Festival and take BLOODSTOCK on a POWERDRIVE, please visit the BLOODSTOCK Website and vote for us. The online voting starts on June 1st, 2008 and will end on June 30th, 2008.
METALLOID are very pleased to let you all know that we have been selected as the Band Of The Month by GD for Insomnia Magazine. Below is the review written about METALLOID by GD.
May 18, 2008
Band Of The Month (May 08)
Yes it's band of the month time again and this time my featured band is Derby's very own Metalloid. I've seen these guys five times since February this year and they get better every time I see them, they've only been together a year now and are obviously growing both in confidence and as a team with a hard hitting power metal style Metalloid are out to entertain and that's just what they achieve when on stage. They recently made their debut appearance in neighbouring city Nottingham and went down a storm at the salutation inn who I'm sure will not hesitate to book them again. The first thing that hits you when you go see Metalloid is the imposing figure of the lead singer Pete Morten, vocally he's very much akin to Queensryche's Geoff Tate (high praise indeed as Geoff is one of my favourite singers of all time) Pete dominates the stage and the floor when he tends to go walkabout mid song making full use of his radio microphone, he also has a huge lung capacity and can hold a note for what seems like an eternity. With the two guitarists Leenus Livingstone (lead) and Adam Goodwin (rhythm) Metalloid do have a sound similar to Iron Maiden but they also have an ace up their sleeve in the form of Alex Stapleton whose keyboards add melody to the songs. At the back hitting and kicking everything harder than a heavyweight champion kick boxer is Rich Smith on drums and last but not least to complete the six is Martin Treanor on the bass. Metalloid's original material which makes up most of their set is easy to get into and makes you wanna get up and headbang (Mosh pit!!!) with some great songs like The Expositor, Tread Underfoot and Ignorantia the guys are not difficult to like. All six of the band members are charismatic and a special note goes to Leenus, who has a smile on his face from start to finish, it's obvious he loves being a guitar hero. Metalloid are deservedly in the Bloodstock metal to the masses final and I'm holding this page up till I know the result from that show, more on that later. The salutation gig in Nottingham saw the band throw a couple of covers into their set and not unsurprisingly they took the form of two Iron Maiden numbers (Fear Of The Dark & Powerslave) both got the crowd going, I personally would love them to cover a Queensryche track as well (are you reading this guys?) always save the best till last and my favourite two Metalloid songs are the catchy Soar Like An Eagle (put ya arms down folks, you'll knock someone's beer over) and the show stopping finale Powerdrive which I defy anyone to go home without humming the tune in your head. So back to that battle of the bands competition and the winner is… Well it's a case of logging onto the Bloodstock website and voting for the band you want to win so all will be revealed at a later date… GD.

METALLOID are very pleased to also let you know that we have a review below on the band's performance by the brand new Derby Metal Online Fanzine "METAL RAMMER!"
Review by Simon Clarke for METAL RAMMER, the brand new Derby Metal Online Fanzine
May 19, 2008
METAL TO THE MASSES - Battle Of The Bands Final
Saturday 17th May - First Floor Club
Tonight at First Floor sees the final of the Metal 2 The Masses Battle of the Bands, the winner of which is guaranteed a slot at this year's Bloodstock Festival. Competition so far has been fierce, and an initial 12 bands have now been whittled down to 4, leaving us with the absolute crème of Derby's metal acts.
Metalloid are up third, and are the newest of the bands on offer tonight, although by the looks of things they're also the most popular. I've always been of the opinion that (with the obvious exception of Metallica) if a metal band actually has the word "metal" in their name, they clearly have little or no understanding of the word "cliché". However in the case of Metalloid this seems to be part of their appeal. There's a certain charm in the innocence of their particularly positive brand of power metal, free from the dark overtones of the other bands so far. Uplifting songs like "Soar Like An Eagle" can't fail to put a smile on the faces the audience, and it's not long before they’re headbanging and pounding their fists in the air along to set opener "The Expositor". Metalloid are full of enthusiasm, which is more than evident - not least by the massive permanent grin on guitarist Leenus Livingstone's face. They are also not without technical ability by any means. Drummer Rich Smith (making his second appearance of the evening) once again gives the band a solid foundation, while Livingstone's long and impressive guitar solo's and frontman Pete Morten's virtuosic singing soar ("like an eagle?") high above the rest of the music. Finally the ultra-memorable sing-along of "PowerDrive" draws this highly enjoyable set to a close, and Metalloid leave the stage as strong contenders for a slot at this years Bloodstock. - METAL RAMMER

METALLOID would like to thank GD for Insomnia Magazine and Simon Clarke for METAL RAMMER very much for taking the time to review METALLOID's Performance!
METALLOID have now completed their four successive Saturdays of gigs with the latest being the gig last Saturday with the company of a great audience at the BLOODSTOCK’S Metal To The Masses Final in Derby.
The band would like to thank every one who have managed to attend at least one of these gigs and thank you all very much for your continued support.
Until we see you all next time, take care of yourselves and remember METALLOID’S POWERDRIVE IS FOREVER! We will surely see you around soon.
Best Wishes,
Leenus, Rich, Pete, Alex, Adam and Martin.

METALLOID Win Bloodstock's Metal To The Masses HEAT 1!
March 16, 2008
Hello there boys and girls!
We are pleased to announce that METALLOID have won Metal To The Masses Heat 1 held at the First Floor Club in Derby, East Midlands UK last Friday that is the 14th of March. The band would like to specially thank each and every one of you out there who had come down to support us that evening. We truly appreciate your invaluable evergreen support! Our audience Rocked!!!
The band would like to thank the judges who took the time to come, watch and judge the competition. We all had a great night. Until we see you all the next time, take care of yourselves and Rock Hard!
Leenus, Rich, Pete, Alex, Adam and Martin.

Biography by Luke Griffiths
When did you first discover Metalloid? A question that will certainly be asked in the future and which I shall try to answer now. I ‘discovered’ not Metalloid but their lead guitarist, from Hyderabad India, Leenus Livingstone. My friend Faye (who met Leenus at a band audition at the Abbey Lane Studios) introduced me to him and our mutual love of metal made us good friends. On speaking to Leenus it immediately became clear that the man I was speaking to was more than just hopeful of being in a successful power metal band. His drive and passion set him far above any other aspiring musician that I had ever met. From the outset, Leenus spoke of his vision to introduce a brand of metal where the sole emphasis was for the listener to be lost in a sea of exceptional musicianship, whilst enjoying the positive outlook that the music portrayed. In this way, the music itself reflects Leenus’ personality; a man who admires great musicianship and spreads a positive impression with the people he meets.
When did I first hear Metalloid’s music? It was in 2005, one evening after a night of drinking and partying, my girlfriend, Ruth, and I dropped Leenus off at his home and he invited us in to listen to his compositions. Despite the majority of the music being simply midi files, I was blown away by the quality of the songs, musicianship and Leenus’ obvious commitment to his music and playing the guitar. I felt privileged to be hearing what he had created.
For the next two years, it was a crazed hunt for band members. Leenus’ first member recruited was Rich Smith. Leenus first saw Rich behind the skins in December 2005 at The Vic Inn, drumming for Derby’s underground legends Cruel Humanity. He invited Rich to play with him, with a view to him potentially joining Metalloid. Before this could take shape, Leenus found another drummer and began playing at Abbey Lane studios. It was here that Leenus once again met up with Rich. After meeting and playing through Leenus’ compositions, Rich became a dedicated member of Metalloid, the first member of the five that would eventually complete the first Metalloid gigging line-up.
Biography continued
METALLOID's First Review by GD for Insomnia Magazine:
Hi there boys and girls! METALLOID would like to thank GD (Insomnia Magazine) for coming down to our gig on the 23rd of February, 2008 and writing our first review.
The Review:
It's only February and for the third time of asking in 2008 yours truly is at the First Floor in Derby attending a gig. This evening sees the opening night of Liquid Sky's Identification tour and kicking off proceedings is Kross Fire, a bunch of young dudes who play a mix of original numbers and covers. After an ignoble start, (wishing well, I ask you) Kross Fire settle into their routine and start to entertain us with their own songs such as springheel jack, the raven and gift of life which have more than a hint of an Iron Maiden influence. I think this band will do better when they drop the covers which I felt let them down, their own stuff shows promise and proved to be entertaining. Next up is a band I've been hearing a lot about, Metalloid take the stage to an ever-increasing crowd and put in a top-notch performance, which impresses me on my Metalloid debut. They were formed in 2007 and played their first gig last May, with only around a dozen live performances to their name I'm amazed at how good these guys are. Playing power metal with memorable songs like Tread Underfoot, The Expositor and Powerdrive, Metalloid put up a classy show with front man Pete Morten, who's vocal talents reminds me of Geoff Tate (Queensryche) delivering an intense performance. Ably accompanied by Rich Smith (drums) Martin Treanor (bass) Alex Stapleton (keyboards) Adam Goodwin (rhythm guitar) and last but not least Leenus Livingstone (I presume) playing lead guitar. Metalloid are definitely a band not to be missed so check em' out soon ok. Identity is the new album from Liquid Sky released on independent label Insomnia media, tonight is the opening show of their tour to promote the album and with a good crowd nicely warmed up by the two support bands Liquid Sky take the stage to a great reception. The Manchester based band was formed in year 2000 and mix heavy metal riffs with melodic vocals and keyboards giving them a very full and powerful sound on stage. Lead vocalist, the diminutive Hecate Taglietti belts out songs such as ghost in the shell, watch the ocean, echo and dreamstate with power and panache while lubricating her vocal chords between songs with Newcastle brown ale. The guys in the band are Jon Craven (guitar/ backing vocals) and Andy Midgley (guitar) both of whom trade forceful rhythms and heavy lead breaks. Den Constable (bass) and Ant Marginson (drums) both provide a solid foundation for the rhythm section of the band and finally Rick Ogden (keyboards) adds a symphonic edge to the overall sound that Liquid Sky achieve. I'm certain this band will climb further up the ladder of success and I also think they would do really well on the continent were the style of music evident on identity (mixed and mastered by Threshold's Karl Groom) tends to be popular. I'm going to see Liquid Sky three more times on this tour and I would urge anyone to see them at least once and be amazed… GD.
External Link to METALLOID’s first review.
METALLOID’s First Review
Click Here to view METALLOID's Past Gigs & Dates!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/5/2006
Band Members: Leenus Livingstone: Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals

Pete Morten: Lead Vocals

Adam Goodwin: Rythm Guitar

Alex Stapleton: Keyboards

Martin Treanor: Bass & Backing Vocals

Rich Smith: Drums

METALLOID is managed by: Leenus Livingstone

Co-managed by: Rich Smith

E-mail: [email protected]

Influences: Iron Maiden,
Bruce Dickinson,
Judas Priest,
Skid Row,
Sebastian Bach,
Joe Satriani,
Dream Theater,
Yngwie Malmsteen,
Children Of Bodom,
to name a few...

PETE MORTEN's Other Bands & Projects:

SOLILOQUY - Progressive/Metal
Official Myspace

THRESHOLD - Metal/Rock/Progressive
Official Myspace

NIGHTMARE WORLD - Metal/Rock/Progressive
Official Myspace


RICH SMITH's Other Bands & Projects:

CRUEL HUMANITY - Metal/Death Metal/Psychadelic
Official Myspace

APHEMIA - Metal/Alternative/Industrial
Official Myspace
Sounds Like: Heavy Metal

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Review by Simon C. Clarke for METAL RAMMER!

Review by Simon C. Clarke for METAL RAMMER, the brand new Derby Metal Online FanzineMay 19, 2008METAL TO THE MASSES - Battle Of The Bands FinalSaturday 17th May - First Floor ClubTonight at First Floo...
Posted by METALLOID on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:27:00 PST

Band Of The Month - May 2008!

Band Of The Month - May 2008Review by GD for INSOMNIA MAGAZINEMay 18, 2008METALLOIDYes it's band of the month time again and this time my featured band is Derby's very own Metalloid. I've seen these g...
Posted by METALLOID on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:19:00 PST

METALLOIDs First Review by GD for Insomnia Magazine!

METALLOID's First Review by GD for Insomnia MagazineFebruary 23, 2008The Review:It's only February and for the third time of asking in 2008 yours truly is at the First Floor in Derby attending a gig. ...
Posted by METALLOID on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:10:00 PST

METALLOIDs Past Gigs & Dates!

METALLOID's Past Gigs & Dates!May 04, 2007 - First Floor Club, Derby, UKw/Detonation, Lordaeron and PlagueFirst Ever Gig!May 25, 2007 - The Victoria Inn, Derby, UKw/Aphemia and ArkayonAugust 04, 2...
Posted by METALLOID on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 03:40:00 PST


BiographyWhen did you first discover Metalloid? A question that will certainly be asked in the future and which I shall try to answer now. I 'discovered' not Metalloid but their lead guitarist, from H...
Posted by METALLOID on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:10:00 PST