Hi, my name is Martin (sometimes known to a select few people as Bogwoppit-Don't ask!) I lOVE TEA! I'm a 20 year old music student. I'm starting to write some acoustic/folk solo stuff, but that may take a long while, and is purely for my own satisfaction and to prove that i can actually write and play my own personal material.
I also play the Bass guitar, tin whistle and Low Whistle. I have a peculiar (to some) pastime in driving traction engines and steam rollers, and maintaining them and their asociated equipment and im building a miniature engine, but thats also rather a long term project.
I am a folky at heart (Irish blood) and anything with Acoustic guitars, Fiddles, Tin Whistles etc, will get me listening! However i also like metal, but i listen to all sorts. Ludovico Einaudi, Lunasa and Bill Withers are current favourites
I dont really know where my life is going at the moment, but i am aiming for a career in the music industry.
My friends mean the world to me, they've put up with a lot of shit for me and im unbelievably grateful to them for it, unspeakably grateful.
I cant stand politics, the very thought of it aggrevates me, i hate the world in its current state, its so unbelievably fucked up and in a way i want absolutely nothing to do with it. I hate shitty laws against freedom, i hate shitty laws in general-For instance the smoking ban, the current debate on raising the legal drinking age to 21 to bring us in line with the US and the Two musicians in a bar law-it's ruining people's social lives (which in some cases is all they have going for them) and it's killing live music.
I can be the life of the party, or the death of it. I have spent the vast majority of this year dealing with some stomach problems. I don't go out to clubs much anymore. I Gave up drinking alcohol about 3 months ago, and haven't touched a drop since. Think of this what you will, but i can't physically drink anymore, so whats the point if it's only making me feel like shite? I like to sit in a pub beer garden in the summer though with a cool refreshing drink. Besides, there's better drinks to be drank, such as tea :P
I have quite an obsessive personality i guess, i either love something or hate it-there's rarely a happy medium-and i think abut things too much. Im paranoid, I'm a bag of nerves and i worry about everything all the time. This is not good, but i cant help it.
I enjoy watching the world go by whilst i sit in the middle of nowhere and just contemplate things.
I am a dead nice person, far too trusting, i will help anyone who needs it and statistically i am more likely to fuck myself over backwards before i could even think about fucking you over.
I think that's everything, but if you want to know more, message me or leave me a comment!
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You're Moonspell! You have a very weird style of singing, but people are intrigued by you. Your music is like a drug, and everyone wants to buy it after they've tried it a few times. People can never get over how strange your music is, and that's why you're well liked.
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Gibson Les Paul
You are a Gibson Les Paul. You are a favorite of some of the best metal AND rock and roll bands. You are flexible and can be used in almost any genre. you are a classic.
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Zakk Wylde
You are Zakk Wylde! You only play pentatonics and drink beer.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! My pirate name is: Black Harry Flint Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.Too Real
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