The Ivy Frame profile picture

The Ivy Frame

About Me

Elly Lucas should really update her biography things more often.
But seriously now...
Elly Lucas is an 18 year old arty character from Derby. A place that you've possibly only ever really passed through on the train at some stage but is actually quite nice. It has some very good coffee shops.
Considering the only original reason that she decided to learn the violin was so that she could play the Captain Pugwash themetune, she's really quite pleased with where it's taken her. She's been on tour and now regularly gigs with the lovely David Gibb , has supported Seth Lakeman (with Gally's Folly ) and has had the priviledge to jam and work on a variety of projects with some really very lovely people! There's a couple of new duets in the pipeline too, so watch this space...
She has two completely self-produced albums that she's not particularly fond of anymore (she got better) and consequently is now gradually building up and recording material for a shiny new one.

Do say hello if you're feeling sociable! :-)
p.s. I will eventually get a newsletter email-thingy going! Sign up below if you fancy - it'll most likely contain details of upcoming gigs, recordings, collaborations - all the usual stuff and anything else I happen to get outrageously excited about. Go ahead :)
Comments on The Ivy Frame...
(For more feedback check the fairly obviously titled blog)
"Interesting stuff! Glad to have heard you. Keep it coming." - Kathryn Tickell
"Enjoyed listening to your music, beautiful, eery voice and interesting arrangements." - Rachel Unthank
"Beautiful :o) You have so much feel in your playing." - Nic Waulker, Bluehorses
"Great sounds, very original arrangements. Much power to your elbow!" - Quee, Shooglenifty
"I listened to the songs you have posted on your page and thought your ideas and sound were great. You come over as having major amounts of creative forces. Go girl!" - Suntrap
"Cool and mystical." - Cobblestones
"Beautiful, haunting and inspiring." - Patchwork Grace
"Lovely etheric voice and groovy hair :)" - Soliloquise

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Let me know if you do put this on your profile and I'll top friend you for a while!

My Interests


Member Since: 15/11/2006
Band Website: You're on it :)" You're on it :)
Band Members:
Elly Lucas - Vocals, fiddle, bodhran, recorder, tin whistle, guitar and other noisythings.

- Sarah Matthews
- Nancy Kerr
- Jon Boden
- Duncan Chisholm
- Seth Lakeman
- Bullmers
- Kris Drever
- Eileen Ivers
- Scotland
- Seasickness
- Marshmellows in bulk quantities
- Finnish daisy-chain wearing fiddle players
- Rodda's ice-cream
- Cara Dillon
- Karine Polwart
- St Ives

Sounds Like:

Potentially like a goodnessknowswhatcolour-haired fiddle player who's just been given a new toy, got very excited, eaten a large number of marshmellows and then decided to record something.

On the other hand it could follow the path of a goodnessknowswhatcolour-hairedbutonceitlookedkindoflikeahigh land-cow fiddle player who realised one day that the best way to release her emotions was through her music, so picked up whatever instrument lay closest and just played.

...and then ate more marshmallows.

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

APRIL / MAY TOUR - can you help with dates??

So, I've recently been playing the fiddle and singing for the lovely David Gibb, and after the cracking time had on the January tour - myself, Jules the accordion player and Dave have decided to go ag...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:36:00 GMT

BIG NATIONAL CEILIDH for Allestree / Derby - be there!!

Hey you lovely people, my sister and I are running the Allestree / Derby branch of this nationwide event - so it'd be greatly appreciated if you could all come and show your support. WaterAid is such ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:19:00 GMT

Lovely lovely lovely feedback!, if you see any of your comments below - you may be pleased to know that you totally made my day =) "Interesting stuff! Glad to have heard you. Keep it coming." - Kathryn Tickell "Enjoyed listen...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:18:00 GMT

New album update?

Lalalala I might have got mildly carried away when re-arranging track orders etc for the album and might have somehow added an extra three tracks into the broth. Hopefully they are a pleasant seasonin...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:58:00 GMT


  ...’allo, I got bored. So here’s something for you to read if you’re either mind-numbingly bored or, swoon at the thought, genuinely interested. Enjoy!     &nbs...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:56:00 GMT

"Henbane" in progress!

The next album is well on its way, look out for all 11 tracks of it coming soon!   Tracks confirmed so far : - Clipped - Ca' the Yowes - The Stone Cutter - Song of a Sleepless Dream   ...the...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:23:00 GMT