Origin of The Masquerace
The main story beyond the substance called 'The Masquerace' is to come from the futuristic unknown, but it's clear that the first viable mutation of us appeared in summer of 2006 in Riga, Latvia, as a result of overmastering circumstances and deferred collaborative hopes.
Someone could consider this just another gothic-like side project of mine, but for me personally The Masquerace means two principal materiae. The first could be described as a kind of secret but easily expandable art laboratory haunted by unique ace-deuce 'laboratorians'. All of them, whether they are visitant song-birds or live-only performers, help me gather and crystallize swarming raw poly-stylistic ideas into the second and final materia - flourishing and battle-seasoned band. And now it's complete after the arrival of our felicitous newcomers, Anna and Maria.
Prepare for coming into live contact with renewed masqueracers!
This page contains some photo material by Lintra. Design by Bronth.