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Gothic Online

Gothic Online Music webzine & community

About Me

Webzine and Community for gothic people. We publish actual news, tourdates and a lot of concert pictures.

Visit our webpage HERE

If you want to send a promotional copy of your cd to us for reviewing it, please visit our imprint site HERE . There you can find our adress. Please also send us some information about the artist additionally.

My Interests


Stephan Beutel

Nick: administrator

Verantwortlicher Chef-Redakteur sowie Programmierer und Inhaber dieser Seite.


Felix Wisotzki

Nick: Khaosprinz

CD Rezensionen

Mareike Hackel

Nick: Stahlrose


Coworker searches

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Nick: Dein Nick

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I'd like to meet:

Interesting artists and groups from the gothic, wave ebm and industrial scene. We'll publish every interesting artist in our webzine.


Gothic, Wave, EBM, Industrial