I've been fucking tagged |
Damn You Chris.Random facts10) I love to play those stupid advertising games on myspace. My favorite being the one where you beat up President Bush for a free cell phone ring tone.9) I'm writing a com... Posted by Kal-The on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 03:48:00 PST |
albino baby |
One day I was walking down the street and I saw an albino baby. I said hello albino baby. I then proceded to shove the albino baby up my ass. It hurt at first but once I snapped his neck with my anus ... Posted by Kal-The on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 04:17:00 PST |
This week in Braids late editon: Superman returns and why Ninjas are better than Pirates. |
In these past two weeks we, Christy, Aubrey, and I saw two high profile movies. The first is Superman Returns. A little back story first. I have since 1992/1993 (because I cant remember what year I s... Posted by Kal-The on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:54:00 PST |
This week in Braids late edition : Why I hate over achievers |
Sorry for the wait everyone but things got a little busy this week and last so let me catch you up in not one but two Blogs. Joy! So two weeks ago I step into work swipe my time card and try to find m... Posted by Kal-The on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:36:00 PST |
A week in Braids Week One : How I learned how to ignore a drunk. |
Interesting week this week fellow hos and hobos. Monday I visited Raging Waters for the first time since the last time I went. I would have to recommend to anyone wanting to go to Raging Waters to go ... Posted by Kal-The on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 01:40:00 PST |
Kal-The Returns |
Well I'm back. I've been neglecting Myspace for far too long. Sure I've seen my page but I haven't really done anything to it in awhile. And I'm still not. But what I'm going to do every Sunday or whe... Posted by Kal-The on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 01:42:00 PST |
VH1 social commentary |
Fuckin fuck fuck. Sorry I had to just do that. Notice that I actually capitalized the first letter so if it actually had vowels it could be considered a word. All right enough jibber jabber. Yesterday... Posted by Kal-The on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:42:00 PST |
Fuck that pudding eating bastard. |
The Original King of comedy died today. Richard Pryor. Today youll hear a many a thing about this man, about his controversial stand-up routine, about his addiction to drugs, and eventual demise. Wha... Posted by Kal-The on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:45:00 PST |
Remember Remember the 5th of November |
God I hate irony. I finished working on a fantastic Blog explaining the meaning of life and disproving the existence of any higher intellectual being or beings, when I submitted it to Myspace it decid... Posted by Kal-The on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 04:56:00 PST |
Ottisberg |
Everyone has that one movie that they watched as a child which caused the VCR to commit suicide. Mine was the original Superman with Chritopher Reeves. At the age of 3 I memorized all the main actors... Posted by Kal-The on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 01:39:00 PST |