Member Since: 10/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
ANTIPOP BOOKING [email protected]
Antipop played those cities: Paris, London, Brussels, Roma, Naples, Turin, Rio, Porto Alegre, sao paulo, belo horizonte, Bogota, New York, Colombus, Miami, San Diego, Los Angeles, Detroit, San Francisco, Tampa, Orlando, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Manila, Moscou, St Petersbourg, Helsinki, Stocholm, Copenhagen, Madrid, Barcelona, Lausane, Athenes, Riga, Lisboa, Porto, Kiev, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv... and big festivals as La Route du Rock (France), Creamfields (Buenos Aires), Calvi on the Rocks (Corsica), and he want some more.
Antipop also performs besides Samon Takahashi for special shows called "Cinemix" (music improvision on silent movie projection). They performed in Paris, Bethleem, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Poitiers (France), Lisboa & Seoul. Here are two photos of the show (soon again):
WATCH! "Etude sur Paris" a documentary by Andre Sauvage performed live in October 2004 in Bethleem by Antipop and Samon Takahashi with local Palestinian musicians and Stephane Gotkovski on sax and noises:
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Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie