Dana D. profile picture

Dana D.

Life Is GOOD

About Me

ACTUALLY, it's not about me.... It's about our elderly and listening to their never ending stories.It's about our youth, for they are our future, so love them, guide them, teach them well...Then, If It Is To Be...... It Is Up To ME & you to make a difference in someones life each day, to help them smile, laugh and have lots of ~giglz~. This is really what I'm ALL about......

My Interests

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.

I'd like to meet:

I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com .
YOU :), all types of myspace FRIENDS.... Cabo-style Sunrise....June 2007


One of my fav's FLASH DANCE...cuz I LOVE to dance
MySpace Backgrounds
MySpace Backgrounds
MySpace Backgrounds