Cooking, reading, art, home repair, biking, camping, The SCA, friends, family and much more. Just ask.
People who believe, people who bother to really read and or listen to what I have to say. People in the SCA. People into weaving, cooking, or any number of other creative outlets. Bibliophiles. People with at least two brain cells to rub together to make a spark and preferably many more. Lastly, if I happen to meet a gentleman to share my wandering through life that would be an extra bonus.Please note that anyone I add as a friend is someone I know outside of myspace. I have met them, talked to them on the phone and have some kind of interaction with them. I do not want or need to collect random strangers as "friends". If you wish to get to know me above and beyond this page that is wonderful.
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Varied, I enjoy several forms of music from Jazz, and new age to Celtic, folk, rock, and opera to even more. If it is truly musical I will listen. For that matter I will listen to almost anything that does not denigrate women or promote violence. Because I feel it is important to understand where my students are coming from I even listen from time to time to stuff I don't enjoy much. Most rap ( not all) falls in this grouping as it often does both of the previously mentioned. Life is to short to put up with those things I do not believe in.
Currently I have plenty to do without watching TV; however I do enjoy watching CNN or the BBC News while on the treadmill at the gym. When I have time for TV I tend or at least try to pick things that do not insult my intellect. Fortunately or unfortunately without paying for cable this leaves very little. I have been known to turn on the TV more as background noise and get sucked in by the one-eyed monster but I try not to let that happen. It is too much of a waste of time. When I do get sucked into the TV I am often over tired and will fall asleep most often to CSI or something on PBS.
YES, please! As many different topics/genres as I can get my hands on, I enjoy the wide range of written word . :) Fiction and non-fiction.
My Mom - talented in so many ways, my dad who has not reached his goals and dreams the way he hoped but has always encouraged me to go after mine no matter how grand. My Great Aunt, who lived to be 104 and taught me that any day you can get out of bed on your own power is a good day. I don't always remember that but I try. Several other people both near and dear to me and ones I have never met.