Journey to Awareness - Crossing the Line profile picture

Journey to Awareness - Crossing the Line


About Me

A group of Richmond High School students produced the documentary "Journey for Justice - Crossing the Line" about the School of the Americas and their trip to the November Vigil to close it down. The film includes footage from the annual protest at the gates of Fort Benning in Georgia, footage from Latin America, interviews with student activists as well as with Guadalupe Chavez and Linda Aguilar, who engaged in nonviolent direct action to close the SOA.
The School of the Americas (SOA), renamed to "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation," is a U.S. military training school for Latin American soldiers that has left a trail of blood and suffering throughout Latin America.
The SOA has trained over 64,000 Latin American soldiers in courses such as counterinsurgency, psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. Graduates of the school have been consistently linked to human rights violations and to the suppression of popular movements in the Americas.
Among those targeted by SOA graduates are educators, union organizers , religious workers , student leaders , and others who work for the rights of the poor. The SOA is the Pentagon's way of controlling the armies of Latin America with the goal of controlling the people and their resources. The SOA provides the military muscle to keep the racist system of domination and exploitation in place - benefiting a few at the expense of many. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, “disappeared”, massacred, and forced into refuge by those trained at the School of Assassins.
For more information, visit SOA Watch on the web at
Watch the 3 minute trailer for "Journey to Awareness - Crossing the Line," the Richmond High School documentary about student activism and the SOA:
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Download the trailer (To share on p2p or save to your computer)
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Buy the DVD:

The DVD will be available in late October/early November. Pre-order now for only $10 incl. shipping and handling ($8 for sutudent activists and educators) You can send a check or money order to:
SOA Watch
P.O. Box 4566
Washington DC 20017
or order it online: [PayPal option coming soon]

Host a Screening:

Gather your members, friends, family and neighbors in your school, community center, religious institution or living room to view, discuss and take action. You can use your screening as a recruitment tool, a fundraiser, a catalyst for organizing an action, as an educational resource--or all of these at once!

Take Action:

Educate yourself and your community about the SOA (download fliers , order books and videos ). Mobilize for the November 17-19, vigil and nonviolent direct action at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia. Be part of the growing grassroots movement for justice and accountability. Here's where we're at it legislatively: Earlier this year, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) introduced an amendment to the FY 2006 Foreign Operations bill that would have cut funding for the SOA/WHINSEC. The amendment was voted down by a margin of 218 - 188, with 26 members of the House not voting and the opposition winning the minimum amount of votes necessary to defeat the amendment.
With many of the opponents facing tough elections, it is important for you to cast your vote on November 7th for representatives ( previous votes ) who will enact and support legislation to close the SOA/WHINSEC.
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