I play bass for TestTone3 , Stonewall Jackson and another (currently untitled) new project - add us!!
I like nice people and good things, I dislike nasty people and bad things - yes I'm that hilariously obvious.
I'm more into local / unsigned bands than "known" bands at the moment. There's a lot of talent in York, Leeds and further afield these days, if you know who to look out for, and they don't all sound the fuckÃng same!! Check out the bands in my "Music" section for some good examples!
I'm the proud owner of a Fender Jazz Bass, '74 Rickenbacker 4001, Tanglewood Odyssey (acoustic) and a brand-spankingly new Fender Jaguar Bass!
Had piano lessons before I started college & reached Grade 5, I'm not bad but I'm no Jools Holland!! (Though that would be nice!)
I've also had a fair crack at DJing, playing a couple of sets at Squaretooth [ photos ] (for which I was also one of the promoters) and one at the Stone Roses Bar with Rich as part of TestToneDJs. Made quite an effort to learn scratch tricks & techniques (crabs, flares, juggling, etc) and was doing ok but am now hideously out-of-practice, as I've got no decks and very little spare time!
Previous bands / projects include:
the recently-defunct FutuRetro
York-based breaks night Squaretooth
Squaretooth's resident band whoshot?
The Acid Test
TestTone3 - Feel Love
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