Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll... oooooh, and football...and Baseball (yes, i'm English...but it aint against the law)
Bob Dylan,Mark Chapman (with a warm gun)Neve Campbell, Drew Barrymore,people who aint pretencious, or try to be something they aint - be yourself
Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan,Stone Roses, Northside, Carmond Brickfield,Silent Partners,Ramones,Sex Pistons,Dandy Warhols,loadsa Hippy shit from the 60s/70s, DECENT Rock n Roll (not half the bollocks thats around at the moment)bit of Country,Folk, Jazz anythin!
Sport, Music shows, Family Guy...i'll watch anything if its on, but im allergic to reality TV
...bore me
Bob Dylan, John Bonham, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Moon, Robert Plant,any band that does something new, Soldiers,Builders... i cant be arsed to think anymore