Hipp-o-saurus profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Whats to say?? lemme think umm maybe hi im a 23 yr old girl/chick/female who live here in sunny ol' albury, well its saving me pennies so there :P i have a great (most days heh) boyfriend Dylan! i also have a great dog called Delphi who is way smart and wonderful (see hero section) i love drawing and listening to music that inspires me to draw i hate trying to feed myself being a vege (not quite vegan i kinda like cheese... but not milk) cos this world (or albury) just doesnt cater for vegies. I work as a Lab tech and take frequent holidays to explore the nearbyish coastline of australia so i dont go nuts. well that was borish......

My Interests

Click HERE to see my drawings on my other profile @ www.myspace.com/rainbowferndrawings!!!!!
.. A tattoo i designed for Dylans sister Britt... she got it how bizarre and coolsome photos i took of the smoke after Tumbarrumba on the way back to the hume highway late decemeber

I'd like to meet:


Nine Inch Nails, Tool, System of a Down, Serart, Pearl Jam, Unkle, DJ Shadow, The Crystal Method, Hilltop Hoods, Gorillaz, Placebo, White Stripes, A Perfect Circle, Johnny Cash, Marilyn Manson, Led Zepplin, Roots Manuva, AFI, Ani Difranco, The Chemical Brothers, Bjork, Deftones, Jurassic Five, Cut Chemist, Filter, Deltron 3030, Basement Jaxx, Audioslave, Xavier Rudd, Vast, Juno Reactor, Tism, The Doors, Rage Against The Machine, Presidents of the United Sates of America, Garbage, Our Lady Peace, Primus, Orgy, Muse, Linkin Park, DJ Z-Trip, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Machine Gun Fellatio, James Lavelle, Rammstein, Metallica, Lady Sovereign, Marcy Playground, Lamb, Korn, Miss Kittin, Infected Mushroom, Scissor Sisters, Shpongle, Gerling, Sigur Ros, Dana Lyons, DJ Food, Atari Teenage Riot, Black Eyed Peas, Combat Wombat, DJ Q-Bert, Dr Octagon, GMS, Hallucinogen, Janes Addiction, Kid Koala, Smashing Pumpkins, King Missile, Kittie, Live, Machinehead, Blackalicious, The Cinematic Orchestra, At the drive in, Tori Amos, Nirvana, Opeth, Plaid, Buckcherry, The Cranberries, The Prodigy, Queens of the Stone Age, Radiohead, Raja Ram, Vanessa Mae, 2 many djs, A Tribe Called Quest, Amorphous Androgynous, Beastie Boys, Aphex twin, geez im too tired to think of more.....


Lets start i guess with the ones i felt i should pay money for in no particular order, Spirited Away, Run Lola Run, Anamatrix, The Royal Tenembaums, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Castle of Cagliostro, Roger and Me, Vampire Hunter D, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Lord of the Rings Triology, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Dune, Monsters Inc, Evil Dead 2, Kermits Swamp Years, The Best of Spike Milligan, Howls Moving Castle, Monty Pythons and now for something completely different, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Sin City, Metropolis, Nosferatu, M, Bowling for Columbine, Resivour Dogs, Adaptation, Bill Bailey Part Troll, Bill Hicks Live, Scarface, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Donnie Darko, Hideous Kinky, The Dark Crystal, Mod Squad, Gangs of New York, Sleepy Hollow, Jesus Son, Lord of War, The Corpse Bride, Beetlejuice, Big Fish, Dead Man, Ed Wood, Pulp Fiction, Empire Records, Lilo and Stitch, any old kung fu movies and any old spaghetti westerns with John Wayne! Kikis Delivery Service, Black Diamonds....


Ditto as above, The black book series 1 to 3, The awful truth (micheal moore), Spaced, Family Guy, Monkey Magic, Scrubs, Greg the Bunny, Tom Green, He-man, Merrick and Rosso, Hamish and Andy, Lano and Woodley, The Ronnie Johns Half Hour Show, Da Boosh


All the Anne Rice, and Ian Irvine i can gather, Phillip Pullmans Norther Lights Triology, Wyrd by Sue Gough, heaps of Victor Kelleher


My DoG! no really..... ..

My Blog

Darwin! Its warmer than here!!!

Home from Darwin now, its so bloody cold here it't not funny.....6, yes I said 6 deg C at lunch yesterday, how ridiculous!!!! I mean the coldest I was in Darwin was having to wake up in the middle of...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:16:00 PST

Jumping Sequences are Awesome

So here I am sitting in front of my computer after a relatively crap nights sleep, its too cold to exist here, I think after nearly dying in the alps after being hypothermic has really made me just ha...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:57:00 PST

If the end of the world is near I hope it waits till after September!

Well it's been awhile I think I have been busy with life in general, it's funny how it just sneaks up and then you have the lawn to mow, a dvd to make, cards to draw, dogs to wash and play with and ju...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:33:00 PST

I cant see the stars

Feeling a bit lost, thought maybe a blog would be a good idea, like writing a note and throwing it down a never ending black hole that absorbs and disarms any emotions being felt that arent ok. Well g...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:37:00 PST

Easter Trip

Just got back from my Easter Holiday's, work starts againg tomoz, thats unexciting so lets reminice....My holiday started with Dylan falling asleep instead of getting in the car and groggily saying "l...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:50:00 PST

Little Chickens Galore!!!

Well it was last weekend but it feels like forever, hah cheesy.... no seriously i had my Uncle Phil and his 3 wonderful little chickens come and stay with us and we all had a ball i think the best way...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:53:00 PST

Woofer meets the Penguin Guardian of the Computer

Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 06:05:00 PST

Dylan won me a penguin.....

well i realised awhile ago i had a poor excuse for a blog, 2 blogs and neither one i would read more than twice... yep so i said cmon be creative you used to write alot and thought about interesting t...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

I washed my dog today, it was fun and smelly but she is nice and fluffly now!

Well i have tweaked myspace again, i think i will never be satified. i have placed a link in my interests to my photobucket page with all my drawings i can be bothered taking pictures of and that wont...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:49:00 PST


Home from 2 weeks holidays, was fun but not quite long enough, put up some pics from holidays in a slide show. Went up to Coffs Harbour, to Port Maquarie to Port Stephens () to Sydney (to stay with wo...
Posted by Hipp-o-saurus on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:09:00 PST