Kurtâ„¢ profile picture


yo wazzup?!!

About Me

I'm a good and fun to be with person. I love to gimik(go out). I love to socialize with friends. I like having fun. I'm naughty at times, but I'm really a good guy. I'm a very concernful friend, thoughful, trustworthy, and considerate. I love shopping. All in all, I'm a fun to be with person and definitely a friend to keep.... MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Movies, Videogames, Sports, Science, Mathematics, Business, Women, Girls, Ladies, Socializing, Fashion, Music, Television

I'd like to meet:

Maria Sharapova ...it would be the greatest most marvelous thing that can happen in my life...


Hiphop, R&B, Rock, Pop, Acoustic, etc.


Lord of the Rings I,II,III; Matrix I,II,III; Mean Girls;


shows: Smallville,Angel, 3rd rock from the sun, The simpsons, southpark, yes,dear, will & grace, two and a half men, shaman king(hahaha), dragonball z, etc....,


Encyclopedias, Goosebumps, Fact books, Da Vinci Code


Jesus Christ, Jose Rizal and all Filipino heroes and heroines

My Blog

Be Happy!

Posted by Kurt" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST