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Grafite is the new sound of Hard Rock. The bands sound is solid, built on years of live performances, countless studio hours and rooted with the strength of amazing song writing and arranging abilities..Their heavy rock beats and vocals accompanied with New England’s esteemed guitarist (Busy Pete) are driving a new sound that is catching like wild fire!
“Grafite†has devoted their lives to the creation of an intensely rich musical assertion. Peter & Marco are the Producers of their own production company called “TriTonMusic.comâ€.
Their unique musical style is evident in the lyrical content and the songs emotion.With CD's selling internationally, a live performance on the Howard Stern Show, Internet, college and commercial radio play, "Grafite" is now poised to make a impact in the world of rock music.
With live performances, expect the band to Rock your face off with shredding solos, kick ass vocals, an amazing rythym section and an extremely energetic stage presence. Each member illustrates the highest standards in musicianship."Grafite" invites all music lovers to stay current on their latest releases, tour dates and the opportunity to meet the band at the website: www.JackRecords.comFan club membership and information is available on: www.MySpace.com/Grafite
Beyond their website, “Grafite†is also internationally distributed on today’s leading Internet music distributors. (ie. Itunes, Yahoo music, Tower Records, AOL Music, Best Buy, and many more..)The members of "Grafite" are brother team Marco and Peter Mastromattei (vocals and guitars), Steve Spence (bass/b.vocals) and Eddie Festa (drums/b.vocals).“Grafite†can be requested on the following radio stations:Boston: WAAF 97.7FM, WBCN 104.1FM, WFNX101.7FM
Providence, RI: WHJY 94.1
New York: WHPC 90.3FM
Internet Radio: MaximumThreshold.net ,
K94Rocks.com , Scrubradio.com, Clearchannelmusic.com . webcityradio.com ,