First off, I would like to thank you for either accepting or sending an "add request", so, THANK YOU! :)
Second, I am an avid supporter of the BBW community. If there is a worthy cause that needs support, please let me know, and I will do all that I can to promote or contribute to it.
Third, if I sent you an "add request", please don't be insulted. I send requests to women of all ages, sizes, races, lifestyle choices, et cetera. It's amazing how many people I have inadvertently offended by sending them a request. I am a believer that there is a Goddess in all of us. Sometimes a photo just needs a little enhancement to expose her. This is not to say that you're ugly and need enhancement (I've been accused of this when sending an "add request" as well). Beauty is created by what's on the inside. If the inner beauty is there, no matter how you look physically, the beauty will shine through.
Fourth, some photos of the subject (you) don't need any enhancement what so ever! Perhaps it's the background that looks dull and distracting. I can fix that! I have a variety of backgrounds, frames, edges, and shadowing that can make the background compliment the stunning subject (you).
Fifth, I am all about awesome people succeeding, and if I can help in your success, then please let me know! Do you have a business that needs advertising? Are you a new and fresh model on the scene? I have a links section on my website called "Friend's of EYG"; EYG has a place for everyone (even non-profit organizations)!
Sixth, and finally, no photo is inappropriate for EYG to work on (unless it's considered illegal, and then that's a no-no!). So submit your innocent, your not-so-innocent, and those photos that you would NEVER allow grandma to see!
Clients, of course. But moreso...
* Those that try to make an actual difference in our crazy, mixed-up lives.
* Those that go above and beyond in attempt to end suffering.
* Those that contribute to society in a positive and meaningful way.
* And most of all, those that help contribute to make life beautiful.
From the bottom of my heart, please...
How do I choose my top 8/12/16/20/24? I think of a theme and then those who's default image coincides with the theme in my head, VIOLA! Can you guess today's theme??? :)
I enjoy a variety of music ranging from classical to alternative rock. I especially enjoy listening to music with a purpose.
I'd like to call your attention to a beautiful soul, a multi-talented artist, and an overall awesome person. Her name is Fawn . I have one of her songs, "Into the Light", as EYG's profile song. In no way is EYG being paid or reimbursed to promote her; she doesn't even know that she's being promoted (well, not yet, at least). Fawn is truly a wonderful person; she is someone who I have been able to get to know better on a deeper level. She lives for a better cause; the cause to help others that are less fortunate and tries her damnedest to end their suffering. This world is in dire need of more people like her.
Also, please check out her other project, partnering with Vincent Covello, Body Soul and Mind .
Fawn's MySpace URL:
Body Soul and Mind's MySpace URL:
A book, and the author, that totally impacted my life for the better, and the book that I would recommend to anyone who is feeling lost, discouraged, or depressed:
ANYONE who voluntarily puts their life on the line or sacrifices their time to help others.