See, the problem with this shit is that, you know, you have to actually sit down and think about what your interests are, right? And don't your interests change from day to day, week to week. And then you have to update this thing. And most importantly, people, they judge you based on what you put here. Say for instance I put down knitting. Am I now considered a motherly/grandmotherly type? Or do I fit in with the cool chicks who don't care what other people think and knit because they want to create something, give gifts, make something unique and non-commercial? Or for instance, I may choose to put down cooking. What image do you get? Am I the Martha Stewart type? Am I wearing a chef's hat? Or something entirely different? I'd rather not be boxed in, classified.
People with good conversational skills. People who can hold up their end of a debate. People who make me think.Or people who shower me with compliments. That's nice too.
Stuff that sounds good! How's that for a sophisticated answer?
Movies that say something powerful would make this list. Movies that make me cry. Movies that make me upset with the world. Movies that move me.
And... The Specials.
I don't watch a lot of television. But I wish I watched it more. How often do you hear someone say that? I am ashamed to admit that when I do watch tv I'm drawn to really bad reality tv. It's the whole car crash phenomenon and I can't turn it off.
Jihad vs. McWorld by Benjamin Barber
Shawn, for his dedication to his abs...