DNC profile picture


The Democratic Vision

About Me

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the security of our nation, strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, honest government, and civil rights.

My Interests

On October 7th, the Democratic Party kicks off a month-long "Get Out the Vote" drive to push voters to the polls. Election-related events will occur nationwide in the month leading up to the election to assure that registered Democratic voters in all 50 states turnout and vote on Election Day.

I'd like to meet:

Every American looking to change things for the better.http://www.devalpatrick.com/ http://obama.senate.gov/

My Blog

Morning Open Thread

I'm a Democracy Bonds owner who made a Very Special Pledge to participate in this program, which I think is pure genius...Within a few hours, I got an email that my pledge was matched, along with a ni...
Posted by DNC on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:22:00 PST

GOP: Winning At Any Cost?

The Washington Post has a profile of GOP Speaker Hastert today. It's an interesting read, portraying Rep. Hastert as the ultimate team leader, which should be endearing. Except, it's not. As Congressm...
Posted by DNC on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:05:00 PST

New Jersey Rocks The 50-State Turnout

Congressman Mike Honda, DNC Vice Chair, kicked-off the October 7th national organizing day by campaigning with New Jersey 7th congressional candidate, Linda Stender. The day started with the Congressm...
Posted by DNC on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 07:22:00 PST

State of Denial

The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, accordi...
Posted by DNC on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 04:49:00 PST

State of Denial

The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, accordi...
Posted by DNC on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 04:50:00 PST