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Friends of MoveOn

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About Me

Hello, we are volunteers in Charleston, SC. We created this MySpace page to be a meeting zone for volunteers of MoveOn and to introduce the campaigns and strategies of Signing on as a friend of this MySpace page does not make you a member of MoveOn. In order to do that, you must visit .
This information is taken from
What is MoveOn„?
The MoveOn family of organizations brings real Americans back into the political process. With over 3.3 million members across America €“ from carpenters to stay-at-home moms to business leaders €“ we work together to realize the progressive vision of our country€™s founders. MoveOn is a service €“ a way for busy but concerned citizens to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media.
The MoveOn family of organizations is made up of a couple of different pieces. Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, formerly known just as, primarily focuses on education and advocacy on important national issues. Political Action, a federal PAC, formerly known as MoveOn PAC, mobilizes people across the country to fight important battles in Congress and help elect candidates who reflect our values. Both organizations are entirely funded by individuals.
Every member has a voice in choosing the direction for both Political Action and Civic Action. Using our ActionForum software, you can propose priorities and strategies. Both organizations also take the initiative to organize quick action on other timely issues that our members care about.
A Short History Civic Action was started by Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Although neither had experience in politics, they shared deep frustration with the partisan warfare in Washington D.C. and the ridiculous waste of our nation's focus at the time of the impeachment mess. On September 18th 1998, they launched an online petition to "Censure President Clinton and Move On to Pressing Issues Facing the Nation." Within days they had hundreds of thousands of individuals signed up, and began looking for ways these voices could be heard.
In 1998, MoveOn PAC was formed as a political action committee so that like-minded, concerned citizens could influence the outcome of congressional elections, and in turn, the balance of power in Washington, D.C. Now known as Political Action, this organization provides individuals, who normally have little political power, an opportunity to aggregate their contributions with others to gain a greater voice in the political process, and brings people together to take important stands on the most important issues facing our country.
The MoveOn Peace campaign was founded independently by Eli Pariser, a Maine native and recent graduate of Simon's Rock College of Bard. In the days following September 11th, 2001, he launched an online petition calling for a restrained and multi-lateral response to the attacks, which was quickly signed by more than half a million people. Eli joined forces with MoveOn soon afterward, and is now Political Action€™s Executive Director.
About Political Action Political Action, one of the largest Political Action Committees in the country, brings real Americans into politics to fight for a more progressive America and elect progressive candidates. It conducts major campaigns , from its work to protect the Supreme Court from a hard-right justice to its campaign to defeat the right wing and elect moderates and progressives in 2006. But in contrast to most PACs, which funnel industry contributions to candidates in exchange for access, Political Action brings hundreds of thousands of small donors together to elect candidates who will represent the American people. With one secure online credit card transaction, you can immediately make contributions to several campaigns. All contributions go to the individual campaigns in the amounts you specify. Political Action takes care of all the required FEC paperwork by transmitting necessary contributor information to each campaign.
Because it€™s a federal PAC, Political Action can€™t accept donations greater than $5,000. And in fact, Political Action is mostly funded by people who give less than $100 €“ folks who don€™t have a lot of money but want to see a change. Through 2004, Political Action raised approximately $11 million dollars for 81 candidates from over 300,000 donors. In 2005 , Political Action grew to 3.3 million members and 125,000 members contributed $9 million to progressive candidates and campaigns (average donation: $45).
To contact the staff of Political Action, click here .
About Civic Action Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, is engaged in a campaign to reform the media and other work aimed at bringing real people back into the democratic process by making sure legislators hear their voices.
In 2002 and 2003, Civic Action conducted a campaign to stop the Iraq war, as well as campaigns to keep the federal courts moderate, support campaign finance reform, oppose the repeal of the estate tax, and reduce America€™s dependence on oil.
Over the years, Civic Action has created a number of television and print advertisements to amplify the voices of MoveOn members. To contact the staff of Civic Action, click here . has not endorsed the contents of this MySpace page

My Interests

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Progressive minded Americans who wish to make a difference in today's political climate. There are literally hundreds of ways you can make a difference. Sign up now at .

My Blog

World Net Daily - NEW LOW!

In an article on world net daily HERE, they claim that soy is making men homosexuals, and of course that is EVIL!  Some snippets:A devil food is turning our kids into homosexualsThe dangerous foo...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:44:00 GMT

My sentiments exactly, Master Santorum...

Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 06:21:00 GMT

The Simpsons take on 'Operation Enduring Occupation'

"Don't worry, we still have the people's hearts and minds".. width="425" height="350">..>
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:35:00 GMT

Please VOTE tomorrow and BRING AN UMBRELLA!

Don't forget your umbrella or raincoat's supposed to rain!  Hopefully the reds will stay home!
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:29:00 GMT

Ad produced by RNC so bad...

That even the Republican running against Harold Ford denounced it!.. width="425" height="350">..>
Posted by on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 07:15:00 GMT

Tell Faux News' Chris Wallace to ask Condi Rice...

Tell Chris Wallace to ask this question:Prior to 9/11, you had eight months to respond to the al-Qaeda attack on the U.S.S. Cole. Why didn't the Bush administration take action and put al-Qaeda out of...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:42:00 GMT

Rumsfeld is not a prophet - The Keith Olbermann video

Here is the video...Thank you Mr. Olbermann..>..>
Posted by on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:06:00 GMT

The Cheney Presidency

From cles/2006/08/26/the_cheney_presidency/By Robert Kuttner  |  August 26, 2006 GEORGE W. BUSH has been faulted in some quarte...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 06:33:00 GMT

Potluck on the 23rd at 7PM DT!

Move On Progressive Potluck Event Details:What:  MoveOn Call for Change Kickoff Potluck!When:  Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 7:00 PMWhere:  1142 Morrison Dr., Charleston, SC 29403 ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:35:00 GMT

Upcoming Charleston, SC MoveOn Events

      At 6:45 p.m. in Mt. Pleasant on July 18th, team member Elaine Taylor is hosting a "training in media outreach" through MoveOn and the Center for Progressive Leadership. ...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:13:00 GMT