Everything in the universe has a vibration, including our thoughts. . We create EVERYTHING that shows up in our lives. Our thoughts are our creative power. . By the Law of Attraction, the universe is always matching the vibrational signal we're offering. . Our feelings are our Internal Guidance System letting us know when we should change what we're focusing on. When we truly understand how this works and start consciously creating what's showing up in our lives, we will be amazed at what we're capable of. That's when life becomes a constant miracle.Go now, therefore, and teach ye all nations. Teach that what you do for another, you do for your Self, and what you fail to do for another, you fail to do for your Self. Do unto others as you would have it done unto you, because it is being done unto you! That is the Golden Rule. And now you understand it completely."- Neale Donald Walsch, OK, my Biggest dream is to keep our world full of love, believes and hopes! Here whould be more understanding, strenght, sensitiveness..., its everybodys respondsability! :) if u dont want to hear others, try to sing and u will feel many answers:) if u cant find a words to speak, sing and ur heart will speak for u !!! The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one's self to others.We all looking for place to stay...!" When u feel like crying....call out to me! I dont promise that I will make u laugh, but I can cry with u. If one day u want to run away dont be afraid to call me.I dont promise to ask u to stop......but I can run with u. If one day u dont want to listen to anyone..... call me. I promise to be there for u but also promise to remain quiet.But one day if u call...... and there is no answer..... come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you.
Who loves all world not only them self!!! .
I am a complete musichead - so i dont know where to begin... the best will be never ever ending... but there is the start: Acoustic / Soul / Folk / Alternative / Indie / Rock / Electronica / Pop Punk / Reggae / Latin / Trance, Electro House, R&;B... : Oasis..... Oasis....Oasis -The Best Band Ever!!! Bryan Adams, Enrique Iglesias, and...music is like our languege, i love to understand and live in! ;)
TV, not for me..., but sometimes Friends,
Ally McBeel...fun, Dayly News!Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
The Bible, ...Memoirs of a Geisha, Impossible Country, The Mission of Art, Anne Rice, Count of Monte Cristo, The Power of Now, Zen and the Art of Archery, Incarnations of Immortality, The Holographic Universe, Right Use of Will, The Alchemist, By The River Piedra I Sat Down & Wept, cookbooks of all kinds, medical journals, psichology, history books...
HEROES:=Jezus, my parents, V.Adamkus, S.Neris, Maironis, R.Grigas, V.Chand..., all people who gives love and trust!Power of our believes, makes us stronger!