Sometimes, we'd like to possess our own soundtrack. We'd like our emotions to be associated with very special melodies, just like in movies. That would consist in using music as to intensify one's every day life: make some extreme joy last longer, lighten some passing torment, being able to soothe sorrows or intensify happiness.
The music composed by "day in day out" is exclusively instrumental and very cinematographic, charged with emotions, plain and spontaneous. It radiates some kind of melancholy and conveys a bittersweet vision of today's society. However, some sort of optimism does remain.
Even if their music is unique, "day in, day out" acknowledges to be inspired by artists such as Joseph Arthur, Elliott Smith, Sophia, Bästard, Hood, Shellac, Low, Rachel's, but also Fugazi, Microphones or Arab Strap. Their music is therefore highly referential, peppered with implied references belonging to the band's members. That's why Bukowski meets Hubert Selby Jr, Hal Hartley Vincent Gallo, and that you may also recognize Jeff Buckley, as well as Leonard Cohen, Anas Nin or Hot Water Music.
As Godard managed to do it in his films, " day in, day out" takes pleasure in quoting, distorting, appropriating existing works in order to use them as a basis for their own music.( their name itself comes from a song by Billie Holiday).However, one chooses to follow or not their referential track.