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For Those Who Want To Be Friends, Without Prejudice, Open and Free

About Me

I am a man who doesn't like being forced to abide by the pressures of conservative people. I welcome friends who are open minded and keen on exploring new bounds, with a special interest in promoting those who push the bounds of censorship through tasteful art. Fetishes, fantasies and your desires, especially those which are taboo, are what make you unique. Be yourself.The Gorean in general regards many things in a much more intense and personal way than, say, the informed man of Earth. Perhaps that is because he is the victim of a more primitive state of consciousness; perhaps, on the other hand, we have forgotten things which he has not. Perhaps the world speaks only to those who are prepared to listen. The man of Earth thinks of the world as being essentially dead; the Gorean thinks of his world as being essentially alive. He cares for his world; it is his friend; he would not care to kill it.Goreans also believe quite naturally that men were born free, and women, born to be their slaves. Even in companionship, it is often lineage and political alliance which determine the woman's suitability.This belief is in no way an indication that the Gorean man does not like women, on the contrary, to Him, it is merely a fact of nature that man is the Dominant species and that woman isn't. The philosophy is a simple one; it implies no malice and is carried on matter of factly by both men and women who are native to Gor. The enslavement of women is an everyday fact and randomly accepted.It is interesting to note the duality in which Gorean men place the woman's status and the ease with which they seem to balance this duality. On one hand it is understood that slavery makes the woman's worth no more than that of an animal, by Gorean law she is not a citizen, not a person. And then of course there are the tales of love between Masters and slaves, love denied of course, no Gorean would ever admit to caring for a slave. Nonetheless the actions and words speak volumes of what certain slaves represent to those who own them, despite much reluctance to admit it.

My Interests

Writing, music and all types of art. Erotica, porn, sex and dominating submissive women (in the bedroom only). Welcome to a myspace page dedicated to promoting beautiful women.

I'd like to meet:

Artists, musicians, writers and people of sound character.


Something with deep Soul, Funk, Punk, and pure Rock n' Roll.


The list is long, but distinguished: The Crow, Eyes Wide Shut, Trainspotting and anything that excites the emotions or provokes thought.


The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises.


Ernest Hemingway. Pablo Picasso.

My Blog

On Selecting Friends At Myspace - The "Friend Phenomenon"

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first blog. Anyone on my friends list had to pass certain criteria that I thought made a friend interesting, such as; artistic talent, character traits and physical b...
Posted by Gorean on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:04:00 PST