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Jenna Side

I am here for Friends

About Me

I grew up in Oak Ridge, TN. Not a bad place if you don't mind a little radiation. I'm married. I earned a BS in Psych then spent 3 months (teaching an English Camp for kids)in Tanzania, Africa after Graduating from Lipscomb. I hope to go back again on Medical Missions some day.
Three weeks before I graduated from LPN School, my mom was diagnosed with primary brain cancer (glioblastoma) and was given 6-8 months to live. That was in April 2007. After being in Oak Ridge and away from my husband for 9 months, I will now be Spring Hill, TN where my brother lives. We moved her in with him. I'm still the one taking care of her. I get to see my husband, Terry, every other day now. Big improvement.
Thank you for all the notes and especially the prayers. Keep them coming!
January's MRI showed that both of her tumors were smaller than they were in Sept.! Feb.'s MRI shows no change from January! So Mom is stable for now and feels pretty good.

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My Blog

printing off the months

Mom being sick, we keep all her info in a big white notebook. It is kind of like a chart that would be in a hospital. All her info in one place so we can find things when we need them. -VERY HELPFUL! ...
Posted by Jenna Side on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 07:07:00 PST

My List

A friend of mine recently commented about something that was on his list of things to do before he dies. He literally has it written out. Hmmm. I never thought about actually writting them down before...
Posted by Jenna Side on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 05:35:00 PST