Skydiving - absolutely the best rush; and other stuff people think are just plain crazy
The guy who came up with the speedo... and give him a wedgie (but that would be redundant, wouldn't it) Still waiting to meet one of those sexual predators i keep hearing so much about...
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Music is key whether enjoying goodtimes or getting over the badtimes! Graduated at the height of 'grunge' so's gotta be alternative at the top of my list; but really do get into everything although country requires me to have a few beers first, 'cept the man-in-black: Johnny Cash was a f**kin bad@$$
Kung-Fu Theater, Old Cheesy Sci-Fi Flicks, As well as movies that are intentionally funny... Anything not named 'Titanic' or 'The Notebook', awright so i actually did like notebook, but that's only for any chicks reading this, guys are gonna give me hell...
Any re-runs with that dude 're-run'! Dont watch much, Usually catch things the second time around or pick up the dvd. Mainly into comedies, not so much the drama but did get hooked on Lost. good stuff.
Those things with just words in them, right?
Hmmm....Do CliffNotes count?A Christmas story
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Add to My Profile | More VideosA Christmas story (final part)
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Chuck Norris - that's a fact!(total-home gym or not) No, seriously... first and foremost, my mom: the most incredible woman i know and whom i owe everything to! With success comes a measure of chance - my heroes are people who find the will and strength to perservere and overcome the worst obstacles life drops in their way! ...Oh yeah and spider-manTop News!