The Motherhood Myth profile picture

The Motherhood Myth

The gritty, shitty reality of being a modern Mum...

About Me

Hi! I’m writing a book called ‘The Motherhood Myth’ about what it’s really like to be a Mum in a modern world.I need as many different types of Mums as possible to help me. If you could take some time to fill in the research survey on this page then you will be doing your bit to help guide women of the future through the Mummy minefield and your reward will (probably) be a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes (failing that-you just get to feel really good about yourself).Some of the questions are a bit nosey and I’ve tried to keep them down to a minimum but it’s maybe best filled out when the little ones are in bed and you’re relaxing with a large glass of wine.All you need to do is cut and paste the survey into an email, fill in the answers in as much detail as you can and mail it to me. (If you want your answers to remain anonymous then please indicate on the email). Please feel free to add me as a friend, pop (nice) comments on the site or email me with any other tales of motherhood you want to share.I’ll start you off. I’m 31 and a single Mum to a 12 year old girl. I’m a journalist and I live in Cardiff. When I became a Mum at the tender age of 19 I was overcome with a powerful unconditional love. But I also wondered why no one had told me about the ‘gritty , shitty, reality’ of Motherhood. So I promised myself I would write a book about it.Here I am a mere 12 years later.So if you have a tantruming toddler, a primary pre-madonna, a troublesome teen or even and absolute angel (lucky cow) please, please, please let me know all about it.Big, big thanks, Emma xxx

Generate your own contact table!

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My Interests


The Motherhood Myth Survey by The Motherhood Myth
Personal Info (will be kept highly confidential I promise!)
Where you live::
Contact Details (include email/telephone if you like-if not don't worry we can chat through myspace!):
Names and ages of child(dren)?:
Approx household income?:
Do you work or stay-at home?:
If you work-is it full or part time and what do you do?:
Some more nosey(ish) questions...
What kind of labour did you have? Details if you dare!:
Did you breastfeed? Please explain your reasons for either breastfeeding or bottlefeeding:
If you did breastfeed-did you feel any pressure to do so? If you bottlefed-were you made to feel guilty for this?
If you are in a relationship with the father of your children how has parenthood affected it?:
If you are divorced how has that affected things?:
If you are a single Mum how do you find dating?:
Do you feel pressure to be a perfect Mum?:
Do you think celebrity Mums put pressure on us?:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a stay at home Mum?:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a working Mum?:
How do you think society views Mums?:
Would you describe your love for your child as unconditional? Feel free to describe how you feel...:
Have you ever used the phrase 'Im just a Mum'?:
Best thing about Motherhood?:
And the worse?:
Biggest suprise about Motherhood?:
How has becoming a Mum changed you?:
Sum up being a Mum in a sentence...:
Anything else you want to tell me?:
| Cut and paste this survey and email it to me!

My Blog

Why mothers should never be left in charge of laptops when drunk...

Rumours that The Teenager and I have been abducted by a weirdo San Francisco based religious cult are completely unfounded. There have been three factors keeping me from The Motherhood...
Posted by The Motherhood Myth on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:42:00 PST

Me and 'the teenager' pictures

Thought it was time I put some pictures of Amber and I on here. I think some of you were starting to think we didn't really exist. In the spirit of myspace we have taken an 'arty' black and white shot...
Posted by The Motherhood Myth on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 04:19:00 PST

Random Rules of Motherhood...

1) Kids-no matter what age they are-will always demand your attention as soon as you're on the phone. Phone calls with my best mate go something like this: Best Mate: ''So have you heard the goss?......
Posted by The Motherhood Myth on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:04:00 PST

Big thanks to all the myspace Mums!!!!!!

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who've contacted me with comments, friends requests and emails-especially those of you who've taken the time to fill in the survey. The response has been ove...
Posted by The Motherhood Myth on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 11:51:00 PST