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The Motherhood Myth Survey by The Motherhood Myth
Personal Info (will be kept highly confidential I promise!)
Where you live::
Contact Details (include email/telephone if you like-if not don't worry we can chat through myspace!):
Names and ages of child(dren)?:
Approx household income?:
Do you work or stay-at home?:
If you work-is it full or part time and what do you do?:
Some more nosey(ish) questions...
What kind of labour did you have? Details if you dare!:
Did you breastfeed? Please explain your reasons for either breastfeeding or bottlefeeding:
If you did breastfeed-did you feel any pressure to do so? If you bottlefed-were you made to feel guilty for this?
If you are in a relationship with the father of your children how has parenthood affected it?:
If you are divorced how has that affected things?:
If you are a single Mum how do you find dating?:
Do you feel pressure to be a perfect Mum?:
Do you think celebrity Mums put pressure on us?:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a stay at home Mum?:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a working Mum?:
How do you think society views Mums?:
Would you describe your love for your child as unconditional? Feel free to describe how you feel...:
Have you ever used the phrase 'Im just a Mum'?:
Best thing about Motherhood?:
And the worse?:
Biggest suprise about Motherhood?:
How has becoming a Mum changed you?:
Sum up being a Mum in a sentence...:
Anything else you want to tell me?:
| Cut and paste this survey and email it to me!