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I want to stand with you on a mountain, i want to bathe with you in the sea... I want to lay like this forever...until the sky falls down on me .............Welcome to my page. Hope you enjoy this little escape from 'The real world'I have watched with love and pride as my 3 children have grown into loving and caring adults and teenagers.They make me laugh,we have a lot of good times together and an awful lot in common, they have inherited my warped sense of humour..poor things ;-)
www.postpalace.com2007 was one of the best years of my life as i watched their achievements unfold.Well done kids I love you and am so proud of you all xxxI came to Myspace hoping to meet some nice people, and i have not been disappointed. Most of the friends on my list have been on it for the 18 months or so i have been here. Each one have their own qualities and enrich my life in their own special way. All have a great sense of humour. We laugh a lot but are there for each other when times are tough and a shoulder is needed.Sending love to my friends and a welcome to strangers who are friends i haven't met yet! I hope 2008 brings you happiness........ I have found my happy place in life. I hope you are at yours too. If not, never give up on your hopes and dreams, they are there to be found. Don't look too hard, for you never know what is around that corner ;-) xx

CLICK HERE!I have hiked around our Lake district a lot over the last few years, Ullswater, Buttermere, Coniston etc Have climbed 'Coniston old man' one of the most famous of all the mountains in the Lake District and is situated in the south of the county. It is one of the highest peaks in the Lake District National Park, reaching a height of 2635 ft above sea level. This is the trig point at the summit of 'Old man' When i reached it, red faced and gasping, i was elated, the view was worth the effort!Have fallen in lots of streams and was once stuck waist high in a bog in The forest of Bowland, much to the joy of my kids, my clothes were literally steaming on the way home lol. The Lakes are my second home, and i spend as much time as i can there. Have spent many happy peaceful days reflecting on the past and enjoying the present, and starry nights dreaming about the future whilst camping in The Lake district!Love to be near lakes and mountains, orienteering in Grisedale and Whinlatter forest,and the forest of Dean with the children when they were younger, cycling, rock climbing and scrambling ( rocks not cycles lol ) So many happy memories of quality time spent with my children. Now they are grown and doing their own thing, my bones refuse to trek any further than a few miles, and my scenic views are mostly through a car window lol. But i still love, and am in awe of natures beauty all around me. This is Derwent water in the Lake district one of my favourite spots, i do my best thinking and planning at this beautiful place :-) Enjoy camping, have camped quite a lot in the Lake district, Wales, Scotland and Yorkshire Dales and go quite often on my own!! I like my own company, and we never argue :-) Have been to Scarborough lots of times visiting Robin Hoods bay,Whitby with the 199 steps and the Dracula museum and ghost trail, Scarborough castle and the resting place of Anne Bronte who loved Scarborough.We have visited some beautiful castles, Abbeys and monuments around England, Wales and Scotland........ This is Bolton abbey and the river Strid in Wharfedale, a place we visited many times together over the years. This is one of my favourite pics of Holy island in Northumberland ( Lindisfarne) The seal colony and puffins were a sight not be missed!! Staple Island is noted for its vast seabird colonies, especially those of the Auk family such as Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins. There are about 35,000 pairs of Puffins nesting in the Farne islands. Also love Wales, I spent all my childhood summer holidays there, it was family tradition to buy and wear a black Welsh hat complete with white frill on every visit lol Every night i waited to hear 'The Red Dragon' Royal mail train, which passed the camp at midnight and shook the caravan :-) I learnt how to pronounce llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch lol.. which means...St. Mary's church, in the hollow of the white hazel, near a rapid whirlpool, and the church of St. Tysilio of the red caveI think over the years, i have seen most castles in Wales, lots of beautiful scenery, and waterfalls,Cobden's falls, Swallow falls, all beautiful. There are some beautiful churches and castles in Wales,This is the marble church i used to visit with my Mum and Dad when i was a child. As well as North Wales we enjoyed Barry island, New quay, Tenby, and one of my favourite beaches Abersoch.Love Scotland especially Mull, Iona with the beautiful Abbey, after we visited the Abbey we walked along the beach and was privileged to see a seal in the crystal clear sea. Beautiful Loch Lomond, Loch Maree..... We had a 10 mile cycle around here(i'd not cycled for about 40 yrs and had a sore bum after lol) what a beautiful place the Scottish highlands are in any weather. While i was there, i went to Tobermory (Ballymory to us kids lol) and met the crew from the kids programme! My claim to fame is having a pic taken with "Edie McCreedy" and Josie lolGlengorm castle and one of the best sunsets ever, on my holday in Scotland in 2001. The sunsets on mull are spectacular. I love to walk along a deserted beach, feel the warm, soft white sand between my toes.One of the nicest beaches i've ever seen is The Silver sands of Morar in Scotland, a deserted beach and the bluest sea, we could have been in the Caribbean it was so beautiful. We took the road from Arisaig north to Morar and this was one of the nicest trips we made in Scotland. We drove along roads with twists and turns and narrow single track stretches, on to rock-framed white beaches and stunning views across a turquoise sea towards the Small Isles of Eigg and Rum and further north to Skye.Now at 54 years young and with a family grown and happy, i would like a little time for myself.So many places to see and new people to meet. I can be a party animal but can do 'quiet' too. Love to get into deep discussions about 'the meaning of life' or take part in light hearted banter. I have a zest for life that bubbles to near boiling point inside of me. Where to start hmmm.....I hope to see more of this beautiful world,especially Switzerland, Norway, The rockies- Bannf/Jasper, Zakopane, Seychelles mmm. Would like to see The Northern lights 'Aurora Borealis' This is Thousand island lake reflecting Banner peak.Banner Peak is the second tallest peak in the Ritter Range of California's Sierra Nevada. The mountain is 12,936 feet (3,943 meters) tall and there are a few glaciers on its slopes.Also i would love to spend time in the Tatra mountains in Zakopane.Zakopane Poland's winter capital is situated at the foot of the Tatras, along the Slovak border. Although it may look insignificant on a map, this is the most awesome, inspiring landscape in all of Poland. Steep peaks towering 6.000 feet into the clouds, gushing waterfalls, snow-covered hills, completely placid lakes, and a wild animal population that includes bears, lynx and soaring golden eagles,all make up the amazing Tatra Mountains. My favourite holiday with my children was Zakynthos in Greece, a very special holiday for a very special reason x Smugglers cove..Paradise...Spent a whole day here..Shirley Valentine eat ya heart out lol The best part of the holiday as far as i was concerned was a boat trip, here are 'The blue grotto caves' fabulousMy favourite 'solo' holiday was to Mayrhoffen in Austria, beautiful clean fresh air,took the cable car to the tops every day and walked through the snow in red hot weather....wonderful sights and lovely people. Went to Krymyll waterfalls in Salzburg, breathtaking and spectacular. One of the day trips i went on was to the Dolomite's in Italy. Every season has its own beautiful qualities. Spring....a promise of things to come, new life, baby animals, nodding daffodils, delicate snowdrops, bright green shoots and crisp mornings. No matter what the season, i love to stroll along a cliff's edge, watching the waves crash and fall.The wild danger and the tranquil calm of a cruel but beautiful sea. Feel the invigorating spray on my face. Summer......The long hazy days, walking for miles following the rivers course. Lie down and feel the sun on my face, the drone of a bee in the distance. Listen to the trickle or torrent of a nearby stream or waterfall Autumn......Kick my way through the crunchy autumn leaves. The russets, yellows and reds set against the blue sky. Hear them crackle beneath my feet. Watching squirrels scamper up a tree with their stash of food. Winter...Pale watery sunshine and an eerie mist over water in the day. Cosy nights by the fire, Christmas with the ones we love, parties and famly time. Be the first to tread in freshly fallen 'virgin' snow, especially at night with the shimmering moonlight twinkling on crystalised snow. Every footstep crunching and leaving a trail in previously unmarked territory.Walk in the pouring rain, feel the cool water trickle down my face. Splash through deep puddles .......kiss in the rain ;-) A true romantic, mushy, and love 'Happy ever afters' I firmly believe 'There is a soulmate for everyone' :-) Would love to try skydiving eeek, whizz around the racetrack with Jeremy Clarkson--me driving of course !! lol aaagghhh Hot air balloon ride with the man of my dreams, a bottle of bubbly, strawberries and cream, Belgian chocolates, blue sky and fluffy white clouds.... mmm oops i'm off again, to dreamland and beyond lol XXI love giving and receiving soppy cards, poems and flowers, any way to tell someone an extra 'i care for you'... although the people i love and care about already know that with knobs on :-)Make me laugh and you win my heart, lose my trust and you lose me. Am a girly girl with simple tastes, Peeps keep telling me to grow up and act my age...nooooo Why should i ? Far too scarey---you grow up, then you grow old, then you pop your clogs!! No thanks, i've only just begun..i've got a lot of time to make up and i intend to enjoy every waking minute!! Love to have a drink and a girlie night out with my friends, it doesn't happen often these days, but when we do go out i like to partake in a few wines and vodkas, a mad dance to let my hair down, A bit of gossip, the usual kebab on the way home lmao...girls just wanna have fun... " The best thing about being a the prerogative to have a little fun"! ;-)

CLICK HERE! My main loves in my life ( besides my family) are music, singing, dancing, being with good friends, and interior design. /

My Interests

.. ..glitter-graphics.comTime flies by, one day you are 17 young, vibrant and full of anticipation, your whole life ahead of you, wonderful dreams..the world is your oyster.... Then you blink, turn around and you find yourself 55,but still 17 inside. Where did all the years go, and what did you achieve? One thing i never dreamt of was being a mum to 3 fabulous children and having the best family and friends. Life's journey so far has been fun, eventful,sometimes very hard, and an emotional up hill struggle...but always something new to learn. I am a great believer in fate...what will be will be...everything happens for a reason, and it has been true in my life, whenever there has been heartache it has been followed (maybe many years later) with something richer and more fulfilling.Now here i am at a place i always wanted to be,happy, content and having lots of laughs. Where did the years go? Where will it take me now,and .....WHO WITH?.............I'm on a new path in life and enjoying the stroll and the scenery. Time is precious, never waste it..squeeze every wonderful minute out of every day.Live most of all be happy xxI loved the 60s, and the favourite, was a very special time in my life. The music, the fashion, Flower power..Scott Mackenzies 'San Francisco' brings back all those memories to me.Micro,Mini, Midi,Maxi lengths i wore them all. Dresses or skirts that in my Mum's words ' looked more like a belt' lol Hotpants Wow.. tiny shorts or all in one dress and shorts as in my pic favourite outfit with the white plastic boots of course ;-)Retail's got to be done, and it works every time!! lol ...If i'm happy...i shop...down in the dumps? heart?? Awww shop it's always worked for me MARIE'S LAW...The bigger the heartbreak, the more you are entitled to spend....There was this time when i bought a new car ............. ;-)Having a good laugh, there's no better tonic ...... - Pillow fights.....yeeees...who cares who wins that game? lol .........Fun fairs and roller coasters are brilliant, the higher the better...i love a good scream aaagghhI like to think i have given my girls sound advice....Never go out without your lippy, mascara and perfume on, always wear matching Mum advised this.. you might get run over by a bus and you have to look your best lol) know? All the important things in life!!Love Greek mythology :......... 'Pandora's box' - how could a woman resist just a tiny peek into that mysterious box, i know i couldn't? Astrology, tarot cards and crystals, people analysis (let me into your head he he) Supernatural, Paranormal, and things that go bump in the night Oooooh lolI would love to be able to paint a landscape, a waterfall etc but it would seem i am better at painting walls and window frames lol Interior design (walls were made to be knocked down and have been in my house lol)-if in doubt knock it down, it's only bricks and mortar- unless the roof falls in and then tiles are involved lol /a

I'd like to meet:

The man who deserves me tee hee!!...
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes The lady i know is hidden deep inside this manic shell....I CAN do ladylike!!!
glitter-graphics.comThe mother superior from the convent grammar school i attended age 11 to 16, who tried to talk me into becoming a nun and warned me.... " No good will come of you Marie " Just to see the smug look on her face!!! I am an open book, i wear my heart on my sleeve, i don't play games....well not mind games anyway :-O never take people for granted, and once i find a good friend, they are usually there for the duration :-) It has taken me a lifetime to produce this present state you see before you ........Love me or hate me this is it--the final draft xx How would i like to be remembered? " loved a good laugh... to sing & dance, refused to grow old gracefully, Had many blonde/senior moments got lost everwhere she went including loos in a pub,and travel in general (motorways have 2 directions apparently ) Was clumsy, always full of bruises and scrapes, On a permanent diet...the current one has lasted 35 yrs) Could almost parallel park, The best mum and a trustworthy friend" (so tell me all your deepest- darkest secrets,i won't tell lol) Too much hate and conflict in the world, this site is a little escape from it xx Maybe i DO live in a fairy tale bubble and see the world through sparkly rose tinted glasses but i like it ;-)Will never be a size 10, Yes my bum DOES look big in this lol, but my heart's even bigger!! Have a modern outlook on life, but with old fashioned values, faithful, honest and true--just like my doggy lol "Treat me nice i'm your friend for life-Treat me mean you're a has been" loloLPlease leave the room exactly as you found it..H A P P Y ....


MySpace Tracker Songs and tunes that send a shiver down my spine:Elgars Land of hope and glory (should be our national anthem in place of the weak & wishy washy current one!) Swan lake, Whisper of angels by Amici opera band, Baker street, You to me -The real thing, Time of my life (my signature tune eh kids?xx) Do not like jazz or rap - Love 60.s onwards,soul and motown, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi,..Reo speedwagon, Rem, Bryan Adams Pink FloydLike all types of music, especially if i can dance to it like a looney... I dance in the car a lot, which is quite difficult when you are trying to eat chocolate and have a mobile phone convo..eeekk only jesting officer...mmm ok arrest me lololol :-O Songs and tunes that send a shiver down my spine:Elgars Land of hope and glory (should be our national anthem in place of the weak & wishy washy current one!) Swan lake, Whisper of angels by Amici opera band, Baker street, You to me -The real thing, Time of my life (my signature tune eh kids?xx) Do not like jazz or rap -(sorry Karl!) Love 60.s onwards,soul and motown, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi,..Reo speedwagon, Rem, Bryan Adams Pink Floyd The Quo, Richard Marx, Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, Abba, Guns n Roses, Enya, The Corrs and Celtic music ,Nightwish, Within temptation, Evanescence, Rod Stewart, Dance anthems, Nicki French, Cascada, Ultrabeat, Scissor sisters, classical, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi,..Reo speedwagon, Rem, Bryan Adams Pink Floyd, Kelly Clarkson, Enya, Abba, Guns n Roses, Favourite instrument ... the sexy saxaphone mmmmm Baker Street, still sends a shiver down my spine ;-)


Bridget Jones , Something about Mary,Sliding doors, The others, Billy Elliott, Gremlins, Goonies, Ghost, Topgun, every girls favourite Dirty Dancing, Saving Private Ryan, Pretty woman, Disney films especially the older ones. Grease Lord of the rings and Harry Potter Love scary films but not violent ones..The Exorcist was the only film that ever scared me so much i couldn't sleep! Oh and after watching Jaws i didn't swim for ages, i nearly drowned myself when seaweed wrapped around my ankles and i panicked and went under lololol Loved Poltergeist and Amityville horror etc


I love anything that makes me laugh.... 2 pints of lager, My family...(spookily like my own lol), Peter Kay,Absolutely fabulous,French and Saunders! Loved the old programmes.. Rich man poor man, Bouquet of barbed wire, Man about the house, Robin's nest,Porridge, The 2 Ronnies ( remember Fork handles? lol) Bless this house. DIY and house makeover programmes, Wildlife, Sea life and travel programmes, Egyptology. Medical progs eg Holby and Casualty,Paranormal


In between night and and white..there's a magical land called fantasy flight. Lose yourself in a book, watch a film, a happy thought..a memory, a wish, a hope, a dream...Escape the real world for just a little whileMy favourite book... The Pillars of the earth by Ken Follett. Tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect - a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state, and brother against brother. Lord of the rings, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, most books by Phillip PullmanI love the works of the Bronte sisters and have visited The Parsonage in Haworth Yorkshire where they were born. The Brontës were the world's most famous literary family and Haworth Parsonage, now the Brontë Parsonage Museum, was their home from 1820 to 1861.Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë were the authors of some of the best-loved books in the English language. Charlotte's novel Jane Eyre (1847) Emily's Wuthering Heights (1847) and Anne's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) were written in this house over a hundred and fifty years ago, yet their power still moves readers today. Any books on Egyptology and Greek mythology, Why men don't listen and women can't read maps, The bad mother's handbook (thanks Lisa!xx) Bridget jones's diary Men are from Mars..but we still love you lol img src=" usmars.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video


My Mum and Dad (RIP)

My Blog


SOME OF THE FRIENDS I HAVE MADE AND MET, SHARING HAPPY / TIPSY TIMES! ;-)Posted by Marie on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:07:00 PST

Love songs from an incurable romantic....and proud of it

Posted by Marie on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:02:00 PST


Posted by Marie on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

Nobody puts baby in the corner ........

Dirty Dancing - Clip 6 Add to My Profile | More VideosDirty Dancing - Clip 1 Add to My Profile | More VideosHUNGRY EYES Add to My Profile | ...
Posted by Marie on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 03:22:00 PST

Leather and fav rock songs ;-)

PoisonPoison Add to My Profile | More VideosSweet child of mineGuns N' Roses - Sweet Child of Mine Add to My Profile | More VideosLiving on a prayerLiving On A ...
Posted by Marie on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 02:47:00 PST


Posted By:Guta Get this video and more at
Posted by Marie on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:56:00 PST


TCreated by    ...
Posted by Marie on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:00:00 PST

You've gotta laff xxxxxx

    > >Pregnancy Q & A & more!! > >Q: Should I have a baby after 35?> >A: No, 35 children is enough.> >> >Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?> >A: With any ...
Posted by Marie on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 03:38:00 PST