Before Colgate, before Pepsodent, before Aquafresh.....
Before. Before. Before.
Before High Fructose Corn Syrup. Before WAL MART. This was a time when an Apple was the sweetest thing you could put in your mouth.....when tooth decay was something that happened after death. In these glory days of oral hygiene, people would make their own concoctions out of peroxide and baking soda, and then flavor them with peppermint/clove oil or BOURBON.
Now we live in a world filled with sweet tarts, pop rocks and spree. Cola and Red Bull. Our sweets have gotten stronger....and so has our toothpaste. In a desperate attempt to keep up with enamel ripping food additives and bone dissolving super-sugars, the scientists of dominator culture have started manufacturing toothpastes that contain chemicals such as diethylene glycol, triclosan, saccharine and pyrophosphates. Consumers love these pastes. It gives them a since of well being to know that the toxic mess in their food is counter-balanced by the industrial cocktail that is better known as toothpaste.
Bourbon Toothpaste is for those of us that long for the classic methods of Oral Hygiene that once existed on the homestead. Bourbon Toothpaste is for those who reject the war between food and paste. Don’t perpetuate the cycle of fighting food poison with paste poison. Editor