Marley profile picture


Where did the ball go?

About Me

Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name?? Marley, My 1st concert was the Bob Marley fest.
What's your mommy/owners name? The Light Family
What breed are you? Black Lab
How much did you cost?? $60, My papers got messed up :(
What's your facorite toy? BIG balls!
Tap water ot bottled water? waters water. It can come from the toilet for all I care
Do you always walk or are you always carried? I would LOVE to be carried but I'm too big
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? Normal Lab wiegh 90lbs but Im tall and wiegh 110
Do you wear clothes? Only bandana. Thanks goodness I too big for anything else
Long or short hair? short
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor mainly but I come and go as I please
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? With Mom
What's your fave color? Red
Do you chase cats or get along with them? Chase um
How old are you? (in people years) About to be 9 so that makes me 63 geez I'm getting old
Do you like to go swimming? I LOVE IT!
Are you fixed? Yep, It was gone before I knew what to do with it
What color are your eyes? Brown
What color is your hair? Black
Do you get groomed? About once every other month. Just to get a good scrub.
Are you potty trained? Of course
How much do you bark? Not too much only as alarm
Have you ever bit anyone? nope
Do you believe in interbreedal mating? huh? I think I need to ask my Mom what that is.
Do you like the bath or hate it? I like baths but I want to bite the water.
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack? I'm friendly as long as you know I'm Alpha
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you? nope I'm too big
Do you do any doggie sports?? I swim and play keep away
How cute are you from 1 to 10? 10+
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Sleeping. eating. sniffing. food. running. eating. napping. eating. chasing. beer. snacks. lights. eating. eating. and. umm. eating.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

I'd like to meet:

I fine ass bitch that can teach an old dog a few new tricks


Three Dog Night. Captain Dog Rides Again. Blind Dog. Stray Dog. Dog Leg Preacher. Good Dog Banned. Rok Dog. Temple Of The Dog. Hound Dog Taylor & The Houserockers. 3 Legged Dog. Court Dog. Dr. Dog. Dog Fashion Disco. Mad Dog. Dog Faced Gods. Black Dog Productions.


Old Yeller. Milo and Otis. Little Rascals. The Great Adventure. Ace Pet Detective. Benji. Lassie. All Dogs go to heaven. Cats and Dogs. Cojo.


Animal Plant and LOST (my whole family love it).
adopt your own virtual pet!


Marley and Me (but my Mom won't let me read the end of it)
You Are Beef
You're big, burly, and maybe even a little stinky. And no one's going to come between you and a good steak.
And you've probably never met a vegetable you like, unless fries and ketchup count. What Kind of Meat Are You?


Spuds MacKenzie. Rin Tin Tin. Lassie. Snoopy. Goofy. Benji. Underdog. Petey. Ruff McGuff. Pluto.