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most comedys, actions, jane austin and porn
DONT DO SOAPS, looove csi,love murder misteries(fave is columbo and poirot) watch next top model, animal planet, hitory,looove charmed,looove star trek and star gate, simpsons, scooby doo, dora the explora, diy and self help programs.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: brown ish
Height:: 5'8 ish
Favorite Color:: blue
Screen Name:: mighty fine
Favorite Band:: guns and roses
Favorite Movie:: the labarinth
Favorite Show:: missing
Your Car:: waitin 4 me to buy it
Your Hometown:: bicester,flo'usa,norfolk'england
Your Present Town:: chelmsford
Your Crushes First Name:: arse wipe
Your Grade:: 100 :)
Your Style:: fab
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: its possible
Kissed someone in the rain?: yep
Danced in a public place?: all the time
Smiled for no reason?: all the time
Laughed so hard you cried?: yep
Peed your pants after age 8?: only a little bit
Written a song?: ye it was pants
Sang to someone for no reason?: yep
Performed on a stage?: ye at school
Talked to someone you don't know?: ye all the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yep
Made out in a theatre?: only when whats showing is pants
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: bin roller blading(badly)
Been in love?: yep
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: shell
Tell you, I love you?: james
Kiss you?: chell (with tongues)
Hug you?: my boy
Tell you BYE?: shell
Write you a note?: grim reaper
Take your photo?: shell
Call your cell phone?: jesus
Buy you something?: shell
Go with you to the movies?: james
Sing to you?: my boy (wheels on the bus)
Write a poem about you?: i dunno
Text message you?: shell
Touch you?: james
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: to day
Time you cried?: resontly
Movie you watched?: porn
Joke you told?: cencered
Song you've sang?: insy winsy spider
Time you've looked at the clock?: 5 min ago. oh sorry missunderstood the question : )
Drink you've had?: milk!
Number you've dialed?: mum
Book you've read?: mr. tickle
Food you've eaten?: noodles
Flavor of gum chewed?: spearmint
Shoes you've worn?: flop flips
Store you've been in?: tesco
Thing you've said?: my arse is chafing
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: just ye
Whistle?: yep
Blow a bubble?: from where
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yep
Cross your eyes?: think so
Touch your tounge to your nose?: just
Dance?: i like to think so
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: used to
Speak a different language?: almost, not cohearently
Impersonate someone?: will have to try
Prank call people?: yep
Make a card pyramid?: will have to try
Cook anything?: yep
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: invisible woman i would perv on people
I wish ...: i was invisible
So many people don't know that ...: i used to b a man : )
I am ...: now all woman xx
My heart is ...: in the same place as every one elses
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superman and columbo.
Supernatural Survey
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Do you believe in ghosts? yes
Have you ever seen a ghost? not realy
Would you be scared if you saw a ghost? hope not, probly will need extra pants
Who would you least like to see come back as a ghost? sadam!
Who would you most like to see come back as a ghost? me
Do you think psychics are real? some
Which dead person would you like to talk to most? jesus
Have you ever had your fortune told? yep
Would you ever visit a palm reader? yep
Do you read your horoscope? yep, not all the time
Has your horoscope ever come true? sometimes
Do you have a good luck charm? ye my boy,
Do you think we have powers in our brains we havn't unlocked yet? defenately
Which brain power would you most like to have unlocked? make my home tidy without moving
Do you think there are aliens out there? probly
Have you ever been abducted by aliens? ye my arse is still sore
Which famous person do you think is most likely to be an alien? stallones mum
Do you think crop circles are real? not sure doupt it
Do you think aliens will be peaceful for will they attack us? that all depends!
What color are aliens most likely to be? bright pink with orange spots
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