Happiness. People! BODY ART. Spreading joy. Anything creative. The smell of fresh lilacs. A good SCARE. Music and singing. Love. Sunrises, Sunsets, Landscapes. nature, nature, NATURE! Being comfortable. FEELIN GOOD. A gut-wrenching read, like Bizarre - is nice for S#%!s & giggles.
And see movies. I'm a movie W#@r3 (EEK!)
I'd like to meet:
Nice, open-minded people who have something to offer the world. People who feel like I ALSO have something to offer the world! Anyone with a big heart who won't judge me or the decisions i make.
DOWNest of the Down
I have a MEAN plethora of friends.
Chelle Belle
Big D
dig on iLl CheMiSTrY
We Make LOVE, not War!
Cuban Kitty
Click here to get a TOP 16+ on your Myspace profile.
(A)MERICA to (Z)APP & ROGER. can. you. DIG it?!
HIP-HEAVY. jungle beats, jazzy vibes,RHYTHM! raw voices, smooth melodies, rap/rock collabos! groovy jams, slick rhymes, fresh tracks - sheeeit, even pots & pans! big geek for 80s phunk and those one hit wonders, too.
Alice Cooper, JAMES BROWN, Van Morrison, Outkast, Queen, Sade, Janis, Tori Amos, Eryka Badu, Pantera, Chaka Kahn, The White Stripes, Wu Tang Clan, Eric Clapton & Cream, Missy Elliot, Ween, Lauryn Hill, Alice in Chains, PrinceNAS, Santana, Michael Jackson, TESLA, Method Man, U2, Sponge, Bjork, Peter Gabriel, Marvin Gaye, The Stones, Ice Cube, Enya, Tool, Nena Simone, The Guess Who, Nelly Furtado, Cee-Lo, System of a Down, India Arie, Enigma, George Clinton/Parliament, Fleetwood Mac, Ray Charles, Motley Crue, Lea Andreone, Radiohead, Jay-Z, Beethoven, Soundgarden, R.E.M., The Pharcyde, Janes Addiction, De la Soul, Marilyn Manson, Beastie Boys, Faith Evans, Garbage, Memphis Bleek, Pearl Jam, Jill Scott, Jamiroquoi, Stone Temple Pilots, Beck, KANSER, Aerosmith, Bob Marley, White Zombie, KISS, Stevie Wonder, HEART, Chili Peppers, Ill Chemistry, Evanescence, Jurassic 5, Ani Defranco, Tribe Called Quest, Amy Winehouse.
Bring on the CARNAGE for this die hard horror fan!!! I'll pass on a chick flick ANY day for the guts- but I'm STILL a girlie girl!
I DO enjoy the other genres, but my <3 belongs to the SCURRY movie....
Halloween; Revenge of the Nerds, Phantasm, City of God, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hairspray, Scream, V for Vendetta, Scary Movie, The WIZ, Night of the Living Dead, Beetlejuice, Planet of the Apes, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Higher Learning, Dead Meat, Coming to America, JU-ON, Psycho Beach Party, Dead Silence, Bruce Almighty, Saw (whole series), Aladdin, Kill Bill, Night of the Creeps, Mute Witness, ANNIE, Dog Soldiers, Battle Royale, OFFICE SPACE! Children of the Corn, The Breakfast Club, Hellraiser, The Net, Demons, The Jerk, Suspiria, Fight Club, Evil Dead, Eddie Murphy Raw/Delerious, Slumber Party Massacre (it's not THAT bad!), The Big Lebowski, Slash, Reservoir Dogs, Shaun of the Dead, The Usual Suspects, Misery, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Bad Taste, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Final Exam, The Color Purple, Leatherface, Napolean Dynamite, Wrong Turn, Very Bad Things, American History X, The Hills Have Eyes (original and remade), Casino, The Terminator, Heathers, High Tension, Beverly Hills Cop, Cherry Falls, Blink, Jawbreaker, Three Extremes, Best in Show, etc.
Will Farrell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert DeNiro, Pam Grier, Steve Martin, Linda Hamilton, Ben Stiller, Sally Field, Robin Williams, Drew Barrymore, Eugene Levy, Renee Russo, Samuel L. Jackson, Madeline Stowe, Denzel Washington, Jodi Foster, Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Michael Madsen, Renee Zellweger, Bruce Willis, Reese Witherspoon, Steve Buschemi, Ashley Judd, Edward Norton, Uma Thurman, Chris Farley, Sharon Stone, Morgan Freeman, Michelle Rodriguez, Ving Rhames, Sandra Bullock, Jim Carrey, Geena Davis, Joe Pesci, Alicia Silverstone, Bill Pullman, Shirley Maclaine, Christian Slater, Tom Hanks, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Rosanna Arquette, Al Pacino, Fairuza Balk, Dustin Hoffman
Give credit where it's due, man. TV has a lot to offer, like giggles and, well, STUFF. and friends aren't always there. i find it strange that people act as though TV is a waste of time (or that they're 2.kewl.FO.skewl) when it can be both entertaining and educational. it is also neat for people with chronic illness who need to take a break from their books and puzzles!
Seinfeld, the Simpsons, That 70s Show, COPS! DATELINE - to CATCH A PREDATOR! anything stand-up (Lisa Lampanelli, Mike Epps, Margaret Cho, George Carlin, Wanda Sykes, Mitch Hedberg: R.I.P. guy, Caroline Ray, etc.), Six Feet Under, FLAVOR of LOVE was hilarious! Forensic Files, GOLDEN GIRLS - they got JOKES!, Brady Bunch (Oh, my NOSE!), KING OF QUEENS, Roseanne, SCOOBY DOO, Married w/Children, SNAPPED. documentaries about disorders/illness. Reality TV about people who got plastic surgery that messed them up! Tee hee hee hee hee. And what ever happened to Rainbow Brite, Thundercats, and JEM?!
OUTRAGE, Book of useless information, The Great and Secret Show, Everville (Clive Barker), 1984, Anne Rice novels, A Light in the Attic, Romeo and Juliet, Short Stories to Read in the Dark (he he), the Bachman Years (Stephen King). Non-fiction about strange crimes and short story collections for the bathroom! i also believe that there are puh-LENTY of chances to enhance literacy (SANS books) with the likes of magazines, .. news and bumper stickers -- THOSE can be tricky!
MOMMY! & my grandparents for bringing her up so well.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;
Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and other HISTORY MAKERS.
the open GLBT community.
people who stand up for themselves.
survivors of war and CHRONIC ILLNESS.
Anyone with an open mind and a big heart.