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I'm an intellectual, poetic, eccentric and a survivor; I'm also part Klingon .
The Artist's Way Basic Principles (Cameron 3)
The following spiritual principles are the bedrock on which creative recovery and discovery can be built. Read them through once a day, and keep an inner ear cocked for any shifts in attitudes or beliefs.
1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.
2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life--including ourselves.
3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to Sources's creativity within us and our lives.
4. We are, ourselves, creations [of life]. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.
5. Creativity is [Sources's] gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift...
6. The refusal to be creative is self-will...
7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to [Divine Source].
8. As we open our creative channel to [Divine Source], many gentle but powerful changes are to be expected.
9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.
10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity. A Higher Good
Outside of my window, out over the Hudson, a very large bird is soaring. I have seen this bird for days now, sailing, sailing on the fierce winds that are the slipstream around this island. It is too large to be a hawk. It is not shaped like a gull. The Hudson Valley is full of eagles, higher up. I cannot believe this is one, but it seems to know exactly what it is: eagle... Maybe, as artists, we are such birds, mistaken by ourselves and others for something else, riding the current of our dreams, hunting in the canyons... for something we have seen from higher up... (Cameron XIX).
I know who I am--an aguila; the word aguila means "eagle".
Whether I admit it or not,
I am an aguila;
whether I accept it or not,
I am an aguila.
It is in my blood,
in my soul--my very being.
What I choose to do with this gift
of sight/artistic expression is my will...
scorching self-will
or good will towards mankind.
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