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Del~ WilngVesl

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I am a 36 year old, down to earth young lady who loves the Lord. I love my children, meeting new and intelligent people and spending time with my family and friends. I am a Blessed not bitter divorced mother of 3. Twins 12 Jasmine and Janae and my Joy 10.
.. - Get Your Own

.. - Get Your Own
Two years ago I was chosen amongst many millions of others to be diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a disease of the Central Nervous System. (Brain & Spinal Cord) Having MS has made many of my days challenging, but not impossible. For with God, nothing shall be impossible. It is so unpredictable. Unless you have MS or you know someone personally who lives with MS, you can not imagine the daily struggles that one goes through. I know for me, if I didn't have God in my corner, I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago.....

People need encouragers more than they need critics.
A word of encouragement can make the difference
between giving up and going on...
I am a child of the Most High! I am a child of the King!!
..For every situation and circumstance, there is a purpose. You may not understand it now, and you may never understand it here on earth. But, God's WORD is true. When you hear or read "he won't put more on you then you are able to bare". You can stand on that Promise. God's love is so Great! God is the Master Potter. Bask in His beauty and splendor and allow Him to gently molds you into Himself, into His Likeness.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I can't wait to meet my Father in Heaven. (face 2 face~though I am not rushing) I enjoy meeting new people. For everyone that God allows me to cross paths with I believe it is for a reason. Some good, some not so good.

I always enjoy a good WORD!!!



I enjoy Gospel music...mainly Worship Music. I like the music that helps usher you directly into the presence of God!! I also like some R&B and Jazz.



TBN, The Word Channel, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Girlfriends, Oprah, Run's House, Discovery Health Network


The Bible, The Threshing Floor, The Joy of Listening to God, Single,Saved and Having Sex, Spiritual Warfare, Prison to Praise, Coldest Winter Ever
.. - Get Your Own br


God, My Parents, My Spiritual Mom, Anyone carrying a positive message.


My Blog

I’m ecstatic!!!!

After having recieved 100 plus intermuscular injections of Avonex for Multiple Sclerosis, I am proud to say that Jasmine, my oldest twin braved it out for the first time today and gave it to me. ...
Posted by Del~ WilngVesl on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:40:00 PST

Don't Assume....*so true*

Don't Assume Don't assume that because I look well that I feel well. Looks can be very deceiving. Many days I look great but feel terrible. Don't say, "I know how you feel." No one knows how anyone el...
Posted by Del~ WilngVesl on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:53:00 PST

Life Changing ... MS

Certainly a life changer... I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis nearly a year ago, and it was not on my list of "Greatest News" days.   Knowing that somewhere in my brain ...
Posted by Del~ WilngVesl on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:56:00 PST