~Lenika~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Lenika Scott and I am originally from Norfolk VA. My husband is Gregg Scott and we reside in Raleigh, NC. We have been married for almost 13 years and have 6 beautiful daughters. Their names and ages are as follow: Jazmine 12, Janae'9, Jayla 6, Joy 3, Jireh 2, and we have a newborn name Jordan who just graced this world in Dec. 2007. Yes, 6 little Angels! God has called us to the kingdom for such a time as this, until we are released to further edify his kingdom. Please continue to pray for our family.Thank You for coming by my page.God Bless! ..

My Interests

I love everything to do with JESUS CHRIST! I love Swimming & I love decorating!


Gospel Music Comtemporary Christian


~Jesus Christ~ for he saved my hellbound soul. & My Hansdsome Husband! Woo..Hoo..