Religion: Catholic
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Children: Love kids, but not for me
Education: In college
Occupation:UPS.......First Of ALl Imnot really A Nice guy but
I fuckin hate flying. I hate babies, I hate the mothers that bring them on planes, I hate dudes that stand in the aisle with their crotch two inches from your face, I hate motherfuckers who get out of their seat by grabbing YOUR seat in front of them to pull themselves up, I hate those cunts who wake you up in the middle of the 14 hour flight (that..s hard enough to fall asleep on as is) just to tell you you need to buckle your safety belt or that they..ll be serving peanuts and fermented orange juice momentarily, I hate how your feet get all fat and your shoes don..t fit when you land, I hate taking off my buckle to run it through the x ray machine (it..s a dead fuckin snake TSA..and even if it were alive you think I could train the thing well enough to hijack a plane with me? Cmon), I hate shitting in a toilet with no water in it .. actually...if you ask me, it doesn..t even qualify as a toilet in those just a giant ..potty.., and while I might act like a toddler sometimes I don..t like pooping like one so fill that sonovabitch up with some fuckin H2O so I don't have to smell my own shit like it's in my lap or something. FUCK! I could go on, but I won..t.
IM ON home studies so i dont get out much yeah right.
add me (unless you are promoting satan).
DONT BOTHER....!Remember:Jesus died on the cross The Bible says"IF YOU DENY ME BEFORE MAN, THAN I WILL DENY YOU BEFORE MY FATHER"TRUE TRUE monkey see monkey do..These Guys Music ITs LIke a SUBTLE TYRANOSAURUS Fucken REX
- Norma Jean has an IDEA behind there noise AndAs far as I KNOW IDEAS ARE BULLETPROOF.3568
A Appealing
R Relaxed
A Amazing
V Virile
E Entertaining
U Unusual
G Gentle
X X-rated
A Amusing
H Happy
U Unreal
L Loving
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