IC Great Lakes Team profile picture

IC Great Lakes Team

We can do no great things; only small things with great love. - Mother Teresa

About Me

*Bring Invisible Children to YOUR community!
- Cincinnati, OH : February 24th
- Columbus, OH : February 18th & 23rd
- Toledo, OH : March 28th & 29th
- Chicago : February 14th; March 15th; April 26th
- Southern IL : April 19th
- Detroit, MI : April 1st, 4th & 5th
CONTACT US : 619.631.0362
- F I L I P E M I R A N D A -
[email protected]
A whirlwind of brilliant political, environmental, social, and just plain mental frenzy, Filipe keeps himself humble by consistently losing at Uno. His pet peeves include Mexican food restaurants’ insistence on using Styrofoam, and Jesus. Filipe often tells of his favorite childhood memory from Portugal: him wearing a sea shell bra, telling his mother that he wants to be Ariel when he grows up. He didn’t miss the mark by far. His beautiful beard is nonetheless way more pumice-like than the downy soft goodness that is his teammate Kevin’s facial glory.
- K R I S T I N L O R E Y -
[email protected]
Kristin started out wanting to be an astronaut. Fortunately for us, she decided to leave her space camp days behind and switch to something that she is absolutely amazing at: loving people. It is this love for others, for close friends and family as well as strangers halfway across the world, that has brought her to revolutionary work, which she has dedicated her life to. Despite her busy schedule, Kristin still manages to make time for the other loves in her life, including dark chocolate, laughing, photography, music, and Robert Schwartzman.
- K E V I N " G R I Z Z L Y " B A R N E S -
[email protected]
Also known as ---
Kevin Omara Olara Yesu Ozuku Layela.
Mr. Bootylicious.
He’s a man of many names, and many faces. Not to say he’s two-faced, or a liar. He just has lots of looks. All of which are dashingly debonaire. Most of which involve a mustache or two. You see, he’s a master of disguise, a man of mystery, a very enigma of humanity; but you would never know by talking with him. He’s a syntactic wizard. Not to mention an actual wizard. One minute with him and you’ll feel that you’ve entered and will never escape a sort of spiritual hurricane, or an emotional chimpanzee.
This all to say that “the Kev” has many names, and many faces. When the sun hits his locks, it glows with satisfaction that its rays glimmer so brilliantly off his head. It glows like a stick in some freaky person’s mouth at a dancing party with no lights except for black lights; and the sticks are glowing. And his greatest dream is that everyone he meets will glow forever after with a darkness piercing, evil shattering, world changing ferocity.
- S U Z I J A C O B S -
[email protected]
Walking into Invisible Children for the first time was completely overwhelming and intimidating; I’m nineteen-years-old, and this was my first adventure on my own, without my seven brothers and sisters, without my mom by my side, without a good friend encouraging me along the way. I was lost in a state of amazement by our mission and movement, not to mention the community of such a unique people blew my mind.
I’m from Palm Desert, one of the hottest places in Southern California and I was placed on a team touring the coldest region of the country. Before this past Schools for Schools Tour, I had never been away from home for more than three weeks; I had never experienced true autumn, I had never seen snow.
After being on the road for six weeks on this past fall, I found my place at Invisible Children, my voice as an individual, and the power and beauty of community. I have grown in myself and am eager to return to the road, to share true heart and to give my all to those seeking something more.
I’m looking forward to seeing new and old faces, to the laughter and stories shared and the tears cried.
Cheers, friends; I’ll see you soon.
- M E L B A T I E -
[email protected]
The daughter of world travelers who settled down in America before Mel was born, she was instilled with a love for traveling, new experiences, and humanity, as well as a larger but more transitory understanding of the word “home” than most Americans. She loves the diverse and eccentric, her musical taste not excluded: most of it sounds like a poorly conducted orchestra of rusty, mentally insane robots from Japan or Puerto Rico, somewhere in Europe anyway, to me [Grizzly Barnes].

My Interests


*wandering the world, sharing stories, bringing peace and a different way of mind to the surface.

I'd like to meet:

+ others who are working to make a difference!


Joel P. West
Peter and the Wolf


ODF #2

coming to a city near YOU...if you're in the great lakes... Dumb and Dumber, Shawshank Redemption, Invisible Children, Hercules, Eternal Sunshine, Mean Girls you know all the classics


Scrubs, Walker Texas Ranger, Family Guy, Greys Anatomy, WWF Smackdown, Americas Next Top Model, American Gladiators




"the truest death worth dying is to one's self so that they might live for others." -Kenny Laubbacher


My Blog

filipe’s anthem

Posted by IC Great Lakes Team on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:43:00 PST

World Tour Roadies - Spring 2007

Great Lakes Road Crew is gearing up for National Tour 2007. Help us book our route and spread the word about Invisible Children.Road Crew: John "The Ninja" Rowett- Veterinarian Roadie. I saw the film ...
Posted by IC Great Lakes Team on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 02:31:00 PST